
英语阅读 2019-07-28 06:12:00 112

Top Parenting Info: Be Consistent


A consistent approach is pivotal to successfully teaching a son or daughter right from wrong when punishing them. It prevents small misdeeds and poor conduct from turning into greater misdeeds. You have to remain unwavering and mean it when you ask them, ”Switch off your computer now””or “no dessert after dinner because you didn’t touch your dinner”.

A consistent approach shows your son or daughter there are express effects for misdeeds and improper or unsatisfactory deeds or manners.

Displaying a lack of consistency when punishing makes you directly accountable for for your children’s misdeeds and will not teach them how to be liable for their exploits.

It’s also necessary that each partner is consistent with the discipline. If one parent is firm and the other is too forgiving, the son or daughter will key into that and attempt to manipulate the position to his or her advantage. Parents must be in agreement on disciplinary code beforehand and make a commitment to each other to be consistent in carrying out and following through with the consequences. This can be especially difficult if the child’s parents are divorced or separated. Though you are not living together, it’s crucial that both parents have a united ground. Openly and honestly agree these parameters with your former spouse and your son or daughter in advance, so that if any disciplinary action is called for, the effect of such misdeeds are fully realized in advance.

Any disagreements between parents should bedebated when the child is not present.

Being consistent refers to being resolute, even when doing so is really demanding or gruelling. It can sometimes be difficult to arrive home after a long day at work only to find a challenging evening of parenting in store for you.

Your son or daughter will consistently probe the parameters and ‘push the envelope’ with you to see if there’s any play in those consequences. By being resolute you are establishing there is not and that you demand them to do nothing less than assume the burden for their deeds.








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