
英语阅读 2019-07-27 18:12:10 122
What on earth is love ,

that makes lovers vow to stick together in life and death.


Having no wings ,I can not fly to you     dear,

our heart as one,my inner call you should hear.


If love between both sides can last forever,

Why need they stay together night and day.


The west is veiled in rain ,while the east enjoys sunshine ,

my dear one is as deep in love as day is fine.


Love means never having to say you are sorry.


do you believe in fate ?It is a mysterious but beautiful tie,

As dor us two ,I only want to tell you ,that\'s what I cherish


To me ,your name is always the most charming word.


your     heart     is     mine.     there     I     reign .I am content.


心灵鸡汤爱情语录 关于爱情心灵鸡汤语录 心灵鸡汤爱情句子 爱情心灵鸡汤短句 爱情心灵鸡汤励志语录 有关爱情的心灵鸡汤励志语录 心灵鸡汤经典语录爱情伤感 心灵鸡汤


