英语智慧背囊 14-相信自己

英语阅读 2019-07-26 12:12:08 324
[00:00.95]Sure You Can相信自己
[00:04.99]Remember when you were a little child trying to learn to walk?
[00:10.03]First you had to learn to stand:
[00:12.54]a process involving constantly falling down, then getting back up.
[00:18.04]You laughed sometimes and cried at other times.
[00:21.43]Somehow there was a determination and conviction that you would succeed,
[00:26.01]no matter what.
[00:27.22]After much practice you finally figure out how to balance yourself,
[00:32.38]a necessary requirement. You enjoyed this new feeling of power
[00:37.43]—you’d stand everywhere you could—in your crib, by the couch.
[00:42.46]It was a joyous time——you did it! You were in control of you.
[00:48.39]Now—the next step—walking.
[00:51.11]You’d seen others do it—it didn’t look that hard
[00:55.15]—just move your legs while you were standing.
[00:58.14]Wrong - more complexity than you ever imagined.
[01:02.73]More frustration than anyone should have to deal with.
[01:06.22]But you tried, again and again and again until you figured this out.
[01:11.60]If people caught you walking, they applauded, they laughed, it was,
[01:16.62]"Oh my God, look at what he’s/she’s doing".
[01:19.60]This encouragement fueled you on; it raised your self-confidence.
[01:24.63]But how many times did you attempt when no one was watching,
[01:28.59]when no one was cheering?
[01:30.55]You couldn’t wait for someone to encourage you to take the next steps.
[01:34.82]You learned how to encourage yourself.
[01:37.69]If we could only remember this about ourselves in today’s day.
[01:42.16]Remember that we can do anything we set our minds to
[01:46.02]if we are willing to go through the process,
[01:48.31]just like when we learned to walk.
[01:50.60]We don’t need to wait for others to encourage us;
[01:54.21]we need to encourage ourselves.
[01:56.75]If you’ve forgotten how to do this,
[01:59.26]or feel like your self-esteem needs a boost,
[02:02.32]take a short journey back through your life
[02:05.52]—look at your accomplishments,
[02:07.71]no matter if they were large or small
[02:10.44]—you met the challenge and figured out a way to succeed.
[02:14.69]While going back, look for the little child you once were.
[02:18.77]Thank them for never giving up.
[02:21.38]As you wave goodbye, remember they will never give up on you.
[02:26.00]They have believed in you all of your life!
[02:29.07]Now you need to believe in you too!
[02:32.78]Remember, today is the best day of your life
[02:36.96]because yesterday was and tomorrow may only be.
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