晨读英语美文100篇 Passage 94 We Walk on the Moon

英语阅读 2019-07-26 00:12:03 230
[00:00.00]Passage 94 We Walk on the Moon

[00:06.23]Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, it is with a great sense of pride as an American

[00:13.34]and with humility as a human being that I say to you today

[00:19.22]what no men have been privileged to say before: “We walk on the moon.”

[00:26.55]But the footprints at Tranquility Base belong to more than the crew of Apollo Ⅱ.

[00:33.01]They were put there by hundreds of thousands of people across this country,

[00:39.57]people in the government, industry and universities,

[00:44.71]the teams and crews that preceded us, all who strived throughout the years with Mercury, Gemini and Apollo.

[00:54.23]Those footprints belong to the American people and you, the representatives,

[01:01.13]who accept and support, inevitable challenge of the moon.

[01:06.05]And, since we came in peace for all mankind those footprints belong also to all people of the world.

[01:14.47]As the moon shines impartially on all those looking up from our spinning earth

[01:21.47]so do we hope the benefits of space exploration will be spread equally

[01:28.59]with a harmonizing influence to all mankind.

[01:32.63]Scientific exploration implies investigating the unknown.

[01:39.09]The result can never be wholly anticipated.

[01:44.01]Charles Lindberg said, “Scientific accomplishment is a path, not an end;

[01:51.24]a path leading to and disappearing in mystery.”

[01:56.38]Our steps in space have been a symbol of this country\'s way of life

[02:02.74]as we open our doors and windows to the world to view our successes and failures

[02:09.51]and as we share with all nations our discovery.

[02:13.55]The Saturn, Columbia, and Eagle and the Extravehicular Mobility Unit have proved to Neil,

[02:22.64]Mike and me that this nation can produce equipment of the highest quality and dependability.

[02:30.84]This should give all of us hope and inspiration to overcome some of the more difficult problems here on earth.

[02:39.82]The Apollo lesson is that national goals can be met where there is a strong enough will to do so.

[02:48.24]The first step on the moon was a step toward our sister planets and ultimately toward the stars.

[02:56.78]“A small step for a man,” was a statement of a fact,

[03:02.14]“a giant leap for mankind,” is a hope for future.

[03:06.40]What this country does with the lessons of Apollo apply to domestic problems,

[03:13.51]and what we do in further space exploration programs will determine

[03:19.53]just how giant a leap we have taken.

[03:22.92]Thank you. 晨读美文 晨读美文100篇 经典晨读美文 适合晨读的美文 晨读美文 小短文 晨读美文200篇 晨读美文励志 晨读励志美文100篇 经典晨读美文3分钟


