英语笑话:I Don't Need to Steal Any More 我不需要再偷了

英语阅读 2019-07-22 06:08:32 148

The owner of a large department store went over hisbooks and discovered that his most trusted employee had stolenover a million dollars from the firm.“I want no scandal,” saidthe owner.“I\'ll just fire you.” The employee replied,“True,I robbed your firm of quitea tidy sum. I now have yachts, a country mansion, jewelry,and every luxury you can think of. I don\'t need a thing, sowhy hire somebody else and have him start from scratch?”

一家大百货店的老板在查帐中发现,他最信任的雇员从 公司偷走了一百多万美元。“我不要丑闻。”老板说。“我只要开除你。” 那个雇员回答说:“不错,我是偷了你公司相当一大笔钱。现在我有游艇、一座乡村别墅、珠宝,以及你能想到的一切 奢侈品。我什么都不需要了,你为什么要再雇个人来,让他从头做起呢?”

I don’t want to I can’t I don’t need I don t I can't wait It's u


