Wilberforce stood for Parliament on one occasion, and hissister helped him with his election campaign. The Bribery andCorruption Acts had not been framed in those days ; consequently, the sister offered to give a new dress to the wife of every man who voted for her brother. This offer pleased the voters immensely, and at one meeting there went up a cry of“Miss Wilberforce for ever!”The lady in question rosequickly from her chair on the platform and said: “Oh,please,don\'t. I have no wish to be Miss Wilhberforce for ever .”
有一次,威尔伯佛斯做国会议员候选人,他的妹妹帮助 他搞竞选运动。那时候,行贿和腐败法案尚未拟定;因此,这位妹妹提出愿意送一件新衣服给每一个投她哥哥票的男人的妻子。这项提议使选民们极为满意。在一次集会上,人们高呼:“威尔伯佛斯小姐万岁!”该女士迅速从讲台上她的坐椅 上站起来,说: “噢,请别这么说。我可不想永远做威尔伯佛斯小姐。” 英语笑话 英语笑话翻译 英语笑话长 简短英语笑话 比较长的英语笑话 英语笑话简单带翻译 英语笑话100篇 英语笑话加翻译 幽默的英语版权声明