英语笑话:A Small Surprise 小小的意外

英语阅读 2019-07-21 18:12:52 94

When his wife was expecting their third child, a father decided to tell his two sons, ages seven and nine, the facts of life. He checked out several books from the library on how parents should approach the subject. After stumbling through an explanation, he took a deep breath, and said, "Now, boys, do you have any questions?"  "Yes," the younger boy answered immediately.   "Go ahead," said the man, his heart in his throat.   "Can we," his son asked, "have new baseball gloves?" 

当妻子要生第三胎时,父亲决定给分别已七岁和九岁的两个儿子讲关于性的知识。他从图书馆查出几本书,都是关于父母如何涉及这个话题的。在结结巴巴地解释一番后,他长出了一口气,然后说:“好了,孩子们,有什么问题吗?”   “有,”小儿子立即回答。   “问吧,”爸爸说,心提到了嗓子眼儿。   “我们,”儿子问道,“可以得到新棒球手套了吗?”

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