英语笑话:生命知识 Facts of Life

英语阅读 2019-07-20 18:13:42 143

I have always tried to be open and honest with my children whenever they came to me with questions, but six-year-old Peter caught me off guard one evening when he bounced in at dinner time and asked, "Mom, when you get married, does that make you pregnant?" "No," I answered, "Getting married is not what makes you pregnant." "Well," he persisted, "how do you get pregnant then?" Not wishing to get into such a serious discourse just before dinner, I answered, "Peter, it\'s a sort of a long story." Within an impish look on his little face, he cocked his head and replied, "You don\'t know, do you?"

每当孩子们问我问题时,我总是试图坦诚相告。可是,有天晚上,我那六岁的儿子彼得把我难住了。他在晚饭时冲回家来,突然问道:“妈,结婚会使人怀孕吗?” “不,”我说:“结婚不一定会使人怀孕。” “那么,”他追问道:“你是怎么怀孕的?” 我不想在吃饭前讨论如此严肃的话题,于是答道:“彼得,这事儿一时半会也说不清楚。” 彼得的小脸上一副调皮模样,他歪着头说:“你也不知道,是吗?”

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