
英语阅读 2019-08-15 18:11:33 76

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are onto the fact that young people are using e-cigarettes to vape cannabis. Now, thanks to a new study, the CDC has a better sense for just how common it is.

The findings are from the 2016 National Youth Tobacco Survey of more than 20,000 middle school and high school students. More than 5,200 students reported having tried e-cigarettes, the study reports today in the journal JAMA Pediatrics. But the researchers were especially interested in what else kids were vaping with the device. About one out of every 11 students surveyed, or 9 percent, answered, "Yes, I have used an e-cigarette device with marijuana, THC [tetrahydrocannabinol] or hash oil, or THC wax."

If you apply those estimates across the US, that means more than 2 million young people might have tried vaping cannabis with an e-cigarette, the study says. And the percentage increases if you just look at the students who admitted to using e-cigarettes: about one third of those high schoolers reported having used e-cigarettes to vape some form of pot. For e-cigarette users in middle school, it was about a quarter.

"The use of marijuana in these products is of particular concern because cannabis use among youth can adversely affect learning and memory and may impair later academic achievement and education," Katrina Trivers, CDC epidemiologist and lead author of the study, told The Verge in an email. The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine agree, warning in a report last year that getting blazed can dull memory and learning at least over the next day or so, the report says.
"用这些产品吸食大麻一事值得引起大家的关注,因为青少年时期吸食大麻会对学生的学习和记忆力带来不利影响,或影响未来的学业成绩和教育,"疾控中心的流行病学专家及本研究的首席作者卡特里娜·特拉弗斯在写给The Verge网站的一封邮件中说道。美国国家科学院,工程院和医学院同意这一观点,并在去年的一份报告中警告称:吸食大麻至少会使你在接下来的一天中记忆力变差、学习迟钝,研究报道。

But there\'s still a lot to learn about the long-term risks - particularly of vaping cannabis products, says Gideon St. Helen, a clinical pharmacologist at the University of California, San Francisco who was not involved in the CDC survey. There are compounds in cannabis, for example, "that we have no idea what happens to them when heated in an e-cigarette," St. Helen says in an email to The Verge. There also tend to be higher levels of THC in cannabis extracts, hash oil, and waxes compared to the regular plant, he says: "For young, inexperienced users, acute cannabis intoxication is a concern."
但了解其长期风险仍任重道远--尤其是吸食大麻产品的风险,加州大学旧金山分校的临床药理学家Gideon St. Helen说道,他并未参与疾控中心开展的那项研究。比如说,大麻含有化合物,"而我们不知道这些化合物通过电子烟加热会发生何种反应,"St. Helen在写给The Verge的邮件中说道。大麻提取物含有的大麻油和四氢大麻醇水平比普通植物更高,他说道:"对于年纪尚小的无经验用户而言,急性大麻中毒也是一个问题。"



