
英语阅读 2019-08-15 12:11:55 101


For some people, the prospect of placing a raw protein or vegetable in a pan over an open flame for an extended period of time is so daunting that it literally makes them flop sweat. These people subsist on cereal and frozen dinners, they know their local food delivery workers by name, and they may or may not use their oven for shoe storage.


 Here are some jokes for all the folks out there who would rather eat sandwiches into infinity than attempt to boil, bake, roast or braise a single food item. Because, in the paraphrased words of Maria Bamford, “People always talk about how easy cooking is … but it is not as easy as not cooking.”

下面描述的这些囧样儿讲的就是那些宁愿吃三明治吃到地老天荒也不愿意煮东西、烘焙食物、烤或者炖任何一种食材的人。因为,Maria Bamford就说过:“人们总说做菜很简单……但是总归没有不做菜简单。”


✰ You know that your future partner needs to be able to cook or else your children will starve.


✰ Grocery shopping is a continuous cycle of picking something up, wondering if you can cook it, putting it back down, and then leaving with only frozen dumplings.



✰ You have a soft spot in your heart for fast-food places. You know they\'re not healthy, and you should probably avoid them. But when it\'s late at night, you have no food in your fridge and you are getting hangry, it\'s a better option than attempting to cook something and failing miserably. Fast food is there for you when your cooking skills aren\'t.



✰ Owning cookbooks but not using them.


✰ Accidentally lighting something on fire.


✰ People who can cook tell you that it\'s soooo easy and judge you hardcore for not being able to do it.


✰ Billion dollar idea:A smoke detector that shuts off when you yell "I\'m just cooking!



✰ Don\'t call the firefighter, I\'m cooking.



protein: n 蛋白质

daunting: adj 令人胆怯的

cereal: n 谷物

subsist: v (尤指靠有限的食物或钱)维持生活;度日

braise: v 炖

hangry: adj 饿怒的 (hungry + angry)

recipe: n 食谱

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