
英语阅读 2019-08-15 06:12:16 99

What Are the Best Ways to Find Native English Speakers Interested in Communicating with Students to Improve Their English as a Foreign Language?

获得5.9k好评的回答@Kelsey Yuhara

The answer to this question depends on if you currently live in an English-speaking environment or not. 

If you live in a predominantly English-speaking country, you can easily find opportunities to practice - you just need to go outside and start engaging with your community. 

Joining groups or activities that you enjoy can be a great way to meet people with a common interest and start a conversation.

获得2.3k好评的回答@Ivan Ottinger

If you would like to find people for online chatting / skyping, very good website ishttp://italki.com or http://sharedtalk.com.There you can find foreign friends and then talk to them over Skype for example.
如果你喜欢通过网络或者网络电话来找人聊天的话,http://italki.com 或者 http://sharedtalk.com是不错的网站。在这些网站上你可以找到外国朋友然后再Skype与他们聊天。

If you are looking for ways to find people offline - in the real world, I would suggest using website http://meetup.com, where you can search for meetup groups in your area. For example you can search for "English in Hanoi" or "language exchange in Berlin" and there you go - English meetup groups in specified city will show up... :) Then you can join desired group and come to the meetings where meet foreigners.

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