
英语阅读 2019-08-15 00:12:08 66

Coach has become the latest fashion brand to announce that it\'s no longer going to be manufacturing clothing using fur.

The American luxury fashion label has stated that it\'s going to stop using animal fur completely by autumn next year, with plans to phase it out until then.

Joshua Schulman, chief executive of Coach, explains that the decision was made in response to the growing concern among shoppers about the use of animal fur in the fashion industry.
CEO Joshua Schulman解释说,这是为了响应越来越多的消费者对时尚界使用动物皮毛的抗议。

“We\'re doing it because we believe it\'s the right thing to do.”

All types of animal fur will be banned by Coach as part of the new regulation, including mink, coyote, fox and rabbit.

Earlier this year, Burberry announced that it would no longer manufacture products using real fur, days before a fur-free London Fashion Week commenced.

Furthermore, in June online retailer Asos stated that it would be barring any product made from feathers and down, mohair, silk, cashmere, bone, teeth or shell from the site.

Claire Bass, executive director of animal charity Humane Society International UK, has expressed her support for Coach\'s decision to go fur-free.
HIS(国际人道协会)英国主席Claire Bass表示了她对coach这项无皮毛决策的支持。

Fendi, Balenciaga, Louis Vuitton and Marc Jacobs are just a few of the brands that still feature fur in their collections.
Fendi, Balenciaga, Louis Vuitton and Marc Jacobs是所剩不多的仍然使用动物皮毛的品牌。

In July, MPs stated that Brexit will allow the UK to place stronger restrictions on the sale of real fur in the UK.

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