时隔20年,“辣妹”将重组巡演 可惜少了一个成员

英语阅读 2019-08-14 12:12:07 140

提到辣妹组合(Spice Girls),国内的小年轻们可能不太熟悉,但是在上世纪90年代,辣妹组合曾经红极一时,唱片总销量超过七千五百万,9首英国销量排行冠军单曲,2张冠军专辑。其中的一名成员大家都知道,就是贝克汉姆的老婆维多利亚。


疯狂辣妹Scary Spice:梅兰妮·布朗(Melanine Janine Brown)

姜汁辣妹Ginger Spice:洁芮·哈利薇尔·霍纳尔(结婚前名字为Geri Estelle Halliwell)

时髦辣妹Posh Spice:维多利亚·贝克汉姆(结婚前名字为Victoria Addams)

运动辣妹Sporty Spice:梅兰妮·切斯霍姆(Melanie Jayne Chisholm)

宝贝辣妹Baby Spice:爱玛·伯顿(Emma Lee Bunton)



 Emma "Baby Spice" Bunton, Geri "Ginger Spice" Halliwell Horner, Melanie "Mel C" Chisholm and Melanie "Mel B" Brown announced their United Kingdom reunion tour Monday on the official Spice Girls Twitter account.


The four appeared, without "Posh Spice" Victoria Beckham, in a spoof video sharing the news of the tour. They will be joined by a special guest, singer Jess Glynne.



Breaking Spice news... Tickets on sale Saturday 10.30am #GirlPower #FriendshipNeverEnds
— Spice Girls (@spicegirls) November 5, 2018

辣妹惊爆消息……周六上午10点半开售巡演门票 #女孩力量 #友情永远不变



Beckham has explained that she was always uncomfortable in her performing days, and claimed that her microphone was sometimes switched off during concerts to hide her voice.


"They used to turn it off and just let the others sing,” she told Entertainment Tonight in May 2016. “I got the last laugh, and now my mic is well and truly on, finally.”


Beckham also said she was “more reserved” than the other women when they were dancing.


"When all the other girls were being fun and spontaneous and jumping on tables, I was always the one checking the table wasn’t going to collapse,” she said. “I was always the sensible one. Luckily, because I used to wear heels, I just used to jig about a bit, and I got away with it.”


The group split in 1998 after becoming one of the UK\'s biggest girl groups ever.


Bunton teased a Spice Girls reunion tour Monday.


The singer burst into laughter on her Heart Radio breakfast show and refused to answer questions about whether the group would be reuniting.

爱玛·伯顿在主持Heart Radio电台早餐秀时忍不住笑出来,而且拒绝回答辣妹组合是否会重组的问题。

Co-host Jamie Theakston asked several times if news of a reunion tour was true, and Bunton finally gave in and said: "Everything would be announced on social media at 15:00 GMT (10 am ET). I\'m just excited, I want it out there."


The Sun newspaper was first to report that a tour announcement was in the works, suggesting that Beckham would not join the other four.


On Monday the Spice Girls also entered the Twittersphere and helped convince some fans they were now a foursome.


The account @spicegirls was established in October and the photo of the account shows only members Bunton, Halliwell Horner, Chisholm and Brown.



Our broadcast continues shortly...#FriendshipNeverEnds
— Spice Girls (@spicegirls) November 5, 2018




There\'s been excitement before that the Spice Girls would be reuniting.


Back in February, Mel B appeared on the daytime talk show "The Real" and sparked speculation that the group would be performing at Prince Harry and Meghan Markle\'s wedding.

今年二月,梅尔B在日间脱口秀节目《The Real》上亮相,引发人们对辣妹组合将在哈里王子和梅根·马克尔婚礼上演出的猜测。

The group did not.


Fans had already been buzzing about the possibility of a Spice Girls reunion after publication of a group photo of the members having lunch together at Halliwell Horner\'s house.



从 1996 年第一张单曲算起,到2001年正式宣布解散,辣妹组合不过存在了短短 5 年,发了仅仅三张专辑,但却成为最受人们喜爱的女子团体。

乐评人 Cameron Smith 在一篇题为《辣妹的影响力》的文章中这么写道:“辣妹的歌,快节奏、有趣,就像摇动一罐碳酸饮料,听到欢乐的气泡声。”

辣妹组合成员的五个外号让每个女孩的形象都立刻鲜明起来。她们站在一起,组合更加丰富有趣,而分开来,粉丝们又可以各取所爱。音乐记者 David Sinclair 说:“披头士四个人之后,辣妹是第一个每个成员的特征都被观众所记住的乐队。”

辣妹还引发了一种“女孩力量(Girl Power)”的文化潮流。BBC 新闻网站 1997 年的一篇文章描述道:“女孩力量现在已经成为社会现象。辣妹让这个口号在全国流行开来。她们对于成千上百万的年轻粉丝拥有无法忽视的号召力。”因为影响力太大,“Girl Power”还作为新词被收录进了牛津词典。



Tickets are scheduled to go on sale Saturday at 5:30 am ET.


Literally been waiting for the Spice Girls to announce their tour. AND IT’S ONLY IN THE UK?!?! Tell me this is a mistake.
— Stassi Schroeder (@stassi) November 5, 2018

Only the Spice Girls would have the nerve to call a 6-date UK tour “Spice WORLD”
— Kareem Yasin (@thekareem) November 5, 2018

I’m gunna cry if @spicegirls don’t come to Australia! Us Aussies need some spice in our life!??
— taylor (@AMXDUA) November 5, 2018



“Friendship never ends? So Why Is Victoria Beckham not joining? Life is too short. Why not?” one commenter pleaded. “It’s all a bit of fun!”

“Shame u won’t be joining … after all u wouldn’t be where u are today if it weren’t for the spice girls! Just don’t seem right just 4 … it was always the 5 of u!! Little bit of give n take,” one fan said.



 "Today marks a special day for the girls as they announce the first tour dates since we performed together in 2012! I won\'t be joining my girls on stage again but being in the Spice Girls was a hugely important part of my life and I wish them so much love and fun as they go back on tour next year," the fashionista wrote on social media. "I know they will put on an amazing show and the fantastic fans past and present are going to have a wonderful time! X vb."


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