
英语阅读 2019-08-14 06:12:20 95

Michelle Obama has never accidentally passed gas in front of a Secret Service agent — but she\'s still had her share of embarrassing moments with them, thanks to the ever-present nature of their job.

The former first lady, 54, has been making the rounds promoting her new book, Becoming, and on Thursday what may have been the most unconventional stop on her interview tour was released.

Mrs. Obama sat down with comedians Phoebe Robinson and Jessica Williams for their popular podcast 2 Dope Queens, where the two women didn\'t shy away from asking her the tough — and funny — questions.
奥巴马夫人参加了两位喜剧演员Phoebe Robinson和Jessica Williams的最著名的节目《2 Dope Queens》。这两位耿直的女主播问起她有些难回答或者有趣的问题来从不含糊。

Mother-of-two then went on to detail one of her most embarrassing memories from her time as first lady, recalling a moment when she accidentally flashed one of her Secret Service agents during a rally in North Carolina.

\'You know one time I was doing a big rally in, um, I think it was Asheville, college campus. And my lead agent was behind me, ‘cause he\'s always behind me…

\'And my skirt blew up. The wind just blew it up and luckily there wasn\'t, like, a backstand. But he was there and he stepped right over, and I was like, thanks!

Although the newly-published author did not specify when this incident took place, video of Michelle suffering a very similar wardrobe incident during a May 2008 visit to Asheville was posted online at the time.

In the clip, she can be seen standing at a podium in a floral purple, white, and green shirt dress while the wind blows furiously around her.

At several points during her speech, the full skirt of the dress can be seen blowing up in the blustery conditions.

According to Michelle, the incident served as a key lesson for her and her team - and they began to re-think their outfit choices moving forward.

\'That was another outfit learning moment!\' she joked. \'If it\'s windy, don\'t wear flouncy things. Wear a pencil skirt, or wear some pants.\'

\'So we started checking weather, and wind.\'But I think I spent eight years going, you know, if you see me giving a speech at a big thing, at a convention, what I\'m thinking about as I\'m walking to the podium is, "Don\'t fall, don\'t trip, don\'t trip, don\'t fall.\'

你遇见尴尬的着装是怎样的 高温天气的尴尬着装 最尴尬的服装 尴尬裤子 穿近身裤尴尬了的女明星 女明星穿紧身裤尴尬凹陷 糗事的尴尬说说 糗事百科好尴尬呀 什么是糗


