
英语阅读 2019-08-14 00:12:14 118


Dictionary.com announced \'misinformation\' as its word of the year for 2018 on Monday.


The word is defined as, \'false information that is spread, regardless of whether there is intent to mislead.\'


 每日邮报网站截图 \'Our #WordOfTheYear2018 isn\'t just any word. It\'s a call to action,\' the Twitter account for the site posted on Monday.






Disinformation is \'deliberately misleading\' others but misinformation is often when people believe what they are sharing is true.



 \'The rampant spread of misinformation is really providing new challenges for navigating life in 2018,\' Solomon told The Associated Press ahead of the word of the year announcement.


\'Misinformation has been around for a long time, but over the last decade or so the rise of social media has really, really changed how information is shared.


\'We believe that understanding the concept of misinformation is vital to identifying misinformation as we encounter it in the wild, and that could ultimately help curb its impact.\'


\'Disinformation would have also been a really, really interesting word of the year this year, but our choice of misinformation was very intentional,\' Solomon said. \'You can still be a good person with no nefarious agenda and still spread misinformation.


The word was chosen in part to help answer the question of whether disinformation or misinformation have been at play when it comes to the year\'s most prominent conspiracy theories.


Solomon cited claims that the students in the Parkland school shooting were crisis actors and that Caravan migrants were funded by \'rich liberals\' as two popular cases of misinformation by some, this year.


In studying searches on the site that trended this year, Dictionary noticed \'our relationship with truth is something that came up again and again,\' she said.


For example, the word \'mainstream\' popped up a lot, spiking in January as the term \'mainstream media,\' or MSM, grew to gargantuan proportions, wielded as an insult by some on the political right.

例如,mainstream(主流)一词出现多次,mainstream media(主流媒体,缩写MSM)的搜索量在一月份大增,当时该词被某些政界右翼人士用于侮辱。

Other words swirling around the same problem included a lookup surge in February for \'white lie\' after Hope Hicks, then White House communications director, admitted to telling a few for President Donald Trump.

其他相关词汇还包括二月份搜索量大增的white lie(善意的谎言),在那之前白宫通讯主管霍普·希克斯承认曾为特朗普总统说过几个善意的谎言。

 每日邮报网站截图 Misinformation, Solomon said, \'frames what we\'ve all been through in the last 12 months.\'


In that vein, the site with 90 million monthly users has busied itself adding new word entries for \'filter bubble,\' \'fake news,\' \'post-fact,\' \'post-truth\' and \'homophily,\' among others.

该网站的9000万每月活跃用户一直在添加类似的新词条,比如filter bubble(过滤气泡)、fake news(假新闻)、post-fact(后事实)、post-truth(后真相)和homophily(同质性)。

The company\'s runners-up for the prize include \'representation,\' driven by the popularity of the movies \'Black Panther\' and \'Crazy Rich Asians,\' along with wins during the US midterm elections for Muslim women, Native Americans and LGBTQ candidates.


Another was \'self-made\' after a Forbes cover story calling Kylie Jenner a "self-made" billionaire\'.


Dictionary.com chose \'complicit\' as last year\'s word of the year. In 2016, it was \'xenophobia.\'


mis information Disinformation information misinformation翻译 misinformational mis


