大雪纷飞 破解关于雪最常见的3条流言

英语阅读 2019-08-13 12:11:58 84


1. No two snowflakes are the same


First of all, it’s a myth that no two snowflakes are the same. In 1988, a scientist found two identical snow crystals that had both formed in a snow storm in Wisconsin, USA.


Since then scientists have come to learn that snowflakes can only form into 35 different shapes. Although scientists are also unsure why exactly the various shapes of snowflake form, they have identified eight predominant shapes, with each of these eight shapes having several different variations.


2. Snow is white



Second biggest myth, snow isn’t white. It’s actually colorless. Snow is made up of ice particles, and ice is translucent, which means that light does not pass through it easily, but rather it gets reflected.


When light hits a snowflake, it gets reflected back from the snowflake’s many surfaces, often bouncing between these surfaces, and because of this that light is reflected back to our eyes as the color white. This is why, up close or magnified, a snowflake always looks clear, yet in reality appears as white.


translucent[træns\'lusnt]: adj. 半透明的


3. Snow always looks white



Lastly, snow doesn’t always appear to us as the color white. Not counting the infamous yellow snow that everyone knows never to eat, you can also get naturally blue snow or even pink snow.


Deep snow can sometimes appear blue in color because the extra layers of snow create a filter for light, which causes more red light to be absorbed by the snow than blue light, meaning that it looks blue.




 Likewise, snow can sometimes appear pink in mountainous regions or coastal Polar Regions due to it containing cryophilic fresh-water algae that have a red pigment in them.


cryophilic[,kraɪə\'fɪlək]: adj. 嗜寒的

algae[\'ældʒi]: n. 藻类;海藻

pigment[\'pɪgmənt]: n. 色素




As an interesting bonus fact, the fur of Polar Bears is actually made up of translucent fibers, trapping light between its many surfaces and making the Polar Bear look white, when in actuality if you were to examine a single piece of Polar Bear fur up close it would look clear – just like a snowflake.



 It’s also a commonly known fact that, if shaved, a Polar Bear would be black in color. The reason a Polar Bear’s skin is black is because black is the color which locks in the most heat, meaning the Polar Bears is not only perfectly camouflaged but also incredibly thermally insulated.


camouflage[\'kæmə\'flɑʒ]: vt. 伪装,掩饰

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