
英语阅读 2019-08-13 00:12:02 140

Another day, another potential celebrity bid for president. Angelina Jolie has indicated that a move into U.S. politics may be in her future, including a possible run for President of the United States. 

The Oscar-winning actress and director, as well as special envoy to the UN Refugee Agency. opened up about her political future in an interview with BBC\'s Justin Webb for Today, where she touched on issues including sexual violence, social media, US politics and the global refugee crisis.
这位奥斯卡获奖女演员兼导演,同时也是联合国难民机构的特使。在接受BBC频道Justin Webb for Today节目的采访时,她公开了她的政治未来,其中涉及的话题有性别暴力,社交媒体,美国政治,和全球难民危机。

Jolie was asked if there was any potential for a future presidential run, and here\'s what she said: "If you asked me 20 years ago, I would\'ve laughed...I always say I\'ll go where I\'m needed, I don\'t know if I\'m fit for politics…but then I\'ve also joked that I don\'t know if I have a skeleton left in my closet.

she added. "I can take a lot on the chin so that\'s good. But I honestly will do whatever I think can really make change. I\'m also able to work with governments and I\'m also able to work with militaries, and so I sit in a very interesting place of being able to get a lot done.

Then, Webb put out there that Jolie could be on the shortlist of the 30 to 40 Democrats running for the party\'s presidential nomination in 2020, and Jolie thanked him for his insight.

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