
英语阅读 2019-08-12 12:12:07 156

Volo Beauty has unveiled what it claims is the world\'s first cordless hair dryer.
Volo Beauty公司日前发布了其称为全球首款的无绳吹风机。

The firm showed off its award-winning technology at CES Unveiled last Sunday night ahead of the show\'s official opening, revealing how it strays from the traditional coil-heating system to dramatically cut down the time it takes to dry your hair.

According to Volo, the wire-free blow dryer can run on medium heat for more than 20 minutes on a single charge - although the firm says it can dry long hair in just about 10 minutes.

The system, called Volo Go, has a battery incorporated all throughout the handle, allowing it to ditch the cords for truly untethered use.
这种名为Volo Go的系统在整个手柄处内置了电池,这使其可以摆脱束缚,真正实现无绳使用。

But, it doesn\'t come cheap; Volo says its cordless dryer will be released at $399.

Volo Go was named a CES 2019 Innovation Awards Honoree ahead of the massive Las Vegas tech event. The system comes years in the making, says CEO and co-founder Ryan Goldman, who tells Dailymail.com he was \'tired of seeing all of the cords hanging out of drawers\' at his salons.
Volo Go在此次拉斯维加斯科技盛会举办前获得了2019 CES创新奖。Volo Beauty公司首席执行官兼联合创始人瑞安·戈德曼向《每日邮报》透露,这一系统的研发时间长达数年,并表示他厌烦了在他的沙龙里看到电线还挂在抽屉外面。

Unlike traditional tethered hair dryers, which rely on nichrome wire -- or, \'that little wrapped coil\' -- Volo Go uses quartz infrared.
与传统依赖镍铬合金丝或“小卷”的有线吹风机不同,Volo Go使用的是石英红外线技术。

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