
英语阅读 2019-08-12 06:12:09 351

The passenger who broke her wrist in the crash involving the Duke of Edinburgh has said she believed the duke should face prosecution for the accident if found to be at fault.

Emma Fairweather, speaking on ITV\'s This Morning, replied \'absolutely\' when asked if Prince Philip should face legal action if found to be in the wrong.
艾玛·费尔外在ITV的节目《This Morning》上被问及如果菲利普做错了是否要面对法律制裁时,回答:“绝无例外。”

\'There needs to be a decision as to whether Prince Philip and I are from the same walk of life here or not. His treatment hasn\'t been the same as mine,\' she said. 

The crash victim also branded Philip \'highly insensitive and inconsiderate\' after he was later spotted driving while not wearing a seatbelt. 

Ms Fairweather was with another woman and a nine-month baby when the Kia they were travelling in collided with a Land Rover Freelander being driven by the duke near Sandringham.

The force of the crash rolled the 4x4 onto its side, while the Kia was also badly damaged.

Philip, 97, escaped the crash without injury, although the women involved in the crash required hospital treatment for their injuries. The baby miraculously escaped unhurt.

Ms Fairweather received a message from the Queen\'s lady-in-waiting after the crash but has voiced her frustration at not hearing from the Duke directly.

\'I thought surely he wants to speak to me, but then somebody told me he had tried to but been told not to,\' she said.

\'I don\'t think asking if someone is ok is accepting liability. A quote in the news yesterday saying he felt like a fool seemed like he was apologising to everyone else, just not to me.\'

The mother-of-two, who initially thought she had crashed with \'just an old man\', is also frustrated that Norfolk Police still have not taken a statement from her four days after the accident.

Ms Fairweather previously told the Mirror she has been advised by doctors that she may need surgery on her wrist if attempts to set the break fail.

Norfolk Police are continuing their investigation into the crash, which happened on the A149 shortly before 3pm.

Philip reportedly said \'I\'m such a fool\' as he was pulled from the wrecked car by Roy Warne.

The 75-year-old told The Sun he heard Philip telling police he had been \'dazzled by the sun\'.

Nick Freeman, the lawyer dubbed Mr Loophole, said the duke could be prosecuted for driving without due care and attention if he was deemed to have made a mistake.

But he added: \'If the sun was so low and right in your eyes, sometimes it\'s impossible to see, and that may well have been the case, and that would afford him a defence.\'

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