韩国偶像歌手“长得太像”政府要限制 网友:管的太宽!

英语阅读 2019-08-11 18:11:57 123



South Korea’s government has reportedly come under fire for suggesting a cap on K-pop stars appearing on television shows as the singers look too alike.


come under fire:受到攻击

According to the Korea Times, guidelines issued by the ministry of gender equality and family sparked controversy at the weekend for recommending restrictions on how many singers could be allowed on set at any given time.


The guidelines complained that K-pop stars looked too alike, saying “the problem of … uniformity among singers is serious”, and noting most idols were thin and wore identical makeup and skimpy outfits.


skimpy [\'skɪmpɪ]:adj.不足的;太少的

 South Korean K-Pop girl group Cherry Bullet performs on the stage during a MBC TV K-Pop music chart program Show Champion at MBC Dream Center in Goyang South Korea on January 30 2019. Photo Credit: Lee Young-ho/Sipa USA

“Are the singers on TV music shows twins? They seriously look identical. Most are idol group members,” the guidelines say, according to the Korea Times. “Most of them are skinny and have similar hairstyles and makeup with outfits exposing their bodies.”


The paragraphs that caused offence advised restricting the number of K-pop singers who appear on a TV show, for fear that similar appearances may promote unrealistic and narrow standards of beauty.


Critics said the guidelines were an attempt at "censoring" the profitable industry and could deprive its many fans of the chance to watch its stars.


"Music shows are not supposed to show general people but to show idols," one commentator wrote online.


"It\'s true that many people look similar but that\'s not a subject to be solved by regulations," said another.


 South Korean K-Pop boys band ONEUS performs on the stage during a MBC TV K-Pop music chart program

But others said they understood the intent behind the guidelines, adding that outfits worn by some girl-group members were too sexual.


“I agree with the ministry’s efforts to make changes in broadcasting scenes where commercialization of sex is prevalent,” an internet user said.


A petition was submitted to the Korean government calling for the ministry’s abolition on the grounds that it was trying to censor “how female pop stars look”, reported the Korea JoongAng Daily.


The government said the guidelines were not mandatory but were aimed at addressing the negative impact of unrealistic beauty standards.


The ministry said on Monday that the guidelines were only aimed at raising awareness about the negative effects of “lookism”, adding that the recommendations were not mandatory and TV producers could decide whether to follow them.



 South Korean K-Pop girl group Black Pink performs on the stage during a 8th Gaon Chart Music Awards at Olympic Gym in Seoul South Korea on January 23 2019. Photo Credit: Lee Young-ho/Sipa USA

But after criticism, the ministry said on Tuesday it would withdraw the recommendation after it had “caused unnecessary confusion”.


It claimed it had neither the intention nor authority to control TV production and it had simply tried to “prevent media, which has big influence on people’s daily life, from undermining human rights or fostering discrimination unintentionally”.


South Korea is famous for its cosmetic surgery industry, with as many as one third of young women in the country believed to have gone under the knife.


In 2017 all four members of the K-pop band SixBomb went through extensive plastic surgery, including nose jobs and breast implants, before releasing a single. A series of videos showed the four women visiting a clinic, strutting into an operating theater and lying on the operating table.


Last year, South Korean women began a social media movement reacting against the country’s culture of exacting beauty standards. They destroyed cosmetics and cut their hair short to fight back against unrealistic beauty ideals in what was being dubbed the "escape corset" movement.


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