
英语阅读 2019-08-11 18:11:51 109

Fans speculated the end of their relationship when she was spotted without her engagement ring at The Grammys last weekend.
在上周的格莱美上,LadyGaga 没有戴戒指,被粉丝们猜测她可能已经分手。

And Lady Gaga confirmed that her relationship with Christian Carino is over, according to PEOPLE magazine.Sources told that the relationship \'just didn\'t work out\' just months after he proposed with a massive diamond ring.
根据《人物》杂志,Lady Gaga也已经承认和Christian Carino分手。有消息称,在Christian Carino用大钻戒向Lady Gaga求婚以后,仅仅几个月后,这段感情就“没有下文”了。

Lady Gaga failed to mention her 49-year-old ex during an acceptance speech after her song Shallow won a Grammy on Feb. 10, adding more fuel to the fire that the couple had called it quits.

The pop princess had stayed quiet about her engagement to the CAA talent agent until most recently referring to \'her fiance\' during a speech at ELLE\'s 25th Annual Women in Hollywood Celebration in October.

An insider told that \'Gaga is so over the moon at the moment\' in December with the buzz surrounding her role in A Star Is Born.
知情人称,在12月份她因在电影《一个明星的诞生》饰演主角而名声大噪的时候“Gaga 已经非常开心了。”

\'She is constantly telling those close to her how grateful she is to be at this point in her life and work with such incredible artists and be with the man she loves so dearly,\' the source said.

 \'Gaga is incredibly elated about her engagement, but because of how busy she\'s been with [A Star is Born], she can\'t even begin to think about a wedding.\'The couple reportedly began dating in February 2017 after her failed engagement to actor Taylor Kinney.“
Gaga对于订婚一事非常开心,但是由于《一个明星的诞生》电影她非常忙碌,而无暇顾及结婚的事情。据报道,Gaga和演员Taylor Kinney取消订婚以后,2017年2月才和Christian交往。

Christian and Gaga were spotted kissing ahead of her Super Bowl performance despite trying to keep a low profile at the event.

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