
英语阅读 2019-08-11 18:11:25 105

Chinese phone company Huawei has unveiled its own foldable phone, the latest bendy phone to hit the market.

Its Mate X will take on the Samsung Galaxy Fold as well as a whole host of other foldable handsets.
华为Mate X将与三星Galaxy Fold以及众多其他品牌的折叠式手机争夺市场。

Manufacturers claim that the new phones – which include screens that can bend out, fold over and become twice as big, like a tablet – will allow people to combine a traditional phone and an iPad-sized screen all in one.

The release comes at a controversial time for Huawei. The phones are difficult to buy in some counties like the US, which has repeatedly said the phones are unsafe.

But it said those same technologies that have proven so controversial – the 5G networks that it is looking to provide in the UK and elsewhere – mean that this phone is quicker than any other. The company said the Mate X is the "world\'s fastest foldable 5G smartphone".
但该公司表示,其同样备受争议的5G网络技术使这款手机比其他手机的运行速度更快,而且华为公司有望在英国和其他地区提供5G网络设备。该公司表示Mate X是“世界上运行最快的折叠式5G智能手机”。

Its position as a manufacturer of 5G network infrastructure has given it a "unique advantage" as it enabled the company to test the phone on internal 5G networks before release, it claimed.

But Huawei appears to be ignoring these on-going controversial issues as it continues to expand its phone business.

Now the second largest smartphone maker in the world, it is also due to unveil a new range of flagship devices in Paris next month.

华为手机5g折叠手机 华为5g折叠 华为 5g 华为5g折叠手机上市时间 华为5g输了 华为5g折叠手机什么时候上市 华为5g折叠屏手机图片 华为5g什么时候出


