
英语阅读 2019-08-11 12:12:05 95

It was "unconventional" to have romantic relationships when Hu Yue was in university in the 1980s. "There was no education about relationships," says the head of the psychological counseling center at Dalian University of Technology in Northeast China\'s Liaoning province.
20世纪80年代,对于正在读大学的胡月(Hu Yue)而言,谈一段浪漫的恋情是"不符常规的"。"那个时候,没有恋爱学一说,"大连理工大学心理咨询中心的负责人说道,大连理工大学位于中国东北辽宁省。

"Society was still traditional. People who fell in love tended to keep it secret." But it\'s commonplace for youth to openly engage in romance today. And a growing number of young people are hoping to learn how to handle the ups and downs and ins and outs of love.

Every time 21-year-old college student Wang Yinuo uses the popular Chinese video-sharing site Bilibili, she checks the account of XujieMrXu to see if its operator, 24-year-old Xu Jie, has posted another video.
21岁的大学生王艺诺(Wang Yinuo)喜欢用视频分享网站哔哩哔哩(Bilibili,在中国很受欢迎),每次登入哔哩哔哩,她都会点击徐杰的账号(24岁,XujieMrXu),看看他是否上传了新的视频。

Xu is an entrepreneur and part-time lecturer on PowerPoint presentation creation and public speaking at his alma mater, Nankai University. His videos about dealing with relationships have won him 118,000 followers on Bilibili since he started posting them in July 2017. Bilibili recommended Xu\'s videos to Wang, so she started to follow Xu because she wanted to know how to approach her crush.

Xu decided to make the videos when he noticed that many single women in their late 20s wanted relationships but didn\'t know how to go about it. "They were successful in their careers but made foolish mistakes in their relationships and were even badly hurt due to their inexperience," he says.

"I want to tell them what men usually think of relationships and offer suggestions based on my and my friends\' experiences. I hope to share more firsthand knowledge to help people dealing with confusion." About 79 percent of Xu\'s followers are women, and 52 percent have never had a boyfriend or girlfriend.

The two most popular of his 99 videos are How to Know If a Guy Likes You and Five Mistakes Women Should Avoid When Attracting Men, with 173,000 and 164,000 views, respectively.

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