
英语阅读 2019-08-11 06:11:30 77

Supreme New York has taken legal action against Supreme Italia, a counterfeit business in China after the latter opened a physical store in Shanghai.
中国仿冒品牌Supreme Italia在上海开设了实体店之后,Supreme(美国街头服饰品牌)对其采取了法律行动。

In a letter published on March 15, four days after Supreme Italia’s store opened in Shanghai on the popular shopping strip of Huaihai Zhong Lu, Supreme New York said it has officially sought legal support from the Chinese government in its trademark infringement action.
3月15日,也就是在Supreme Italia在上海著名的购物街淮海中路开设实体店的四天后,Supreme在一封公开信中表示,该公司已正式就Supreme Italia的商标侵权行为向中国政府寻求法律支持。

It accused Supreme Italia of defrauding Chinese consumers and misleading law enforcement, reporters, and even global companies like Samsung by setting up the copycat retail store.
它指责Supreme Italia欺骗中国消费者,误导执法机关和记者,甚至还设立山寨的零售店来误导三星这样的跨国公司。

Samsung China had announced a collaboration with Supreme Italia in 2018, which was quickly refuted by Supreme New York. The Korean business axed the partnership with Supreme Italia in February.
2018年三星中国分公司宣布与Supreme Italia合作,而这项合作很快就被Supreme驳斥了。这家韩国企业于2月份解除了与Supreme Italia的合作关系。

Cybersquatting is rampant in China as brands are quick to register corporate names and copyright the visual identities of any foreign brands rumored to be coming to the country. That means Supreme Italia owns the rights to sell Supreme branded products in China as Supreme New York does not have a presence in the country.
由于品牌商在中国很快就能注册企业名称,而且据传所有外国品牌的视觉识别标志即将在中国获得版权,所以域名抢注在中国很猖獗。这意味着Supreme Italia在中国拥有销售带有Supreme品牌标志的产品的权利,因为Supreme并未在中国注册。

While it remains to be seen if Supreme New York will succeed with its lawsuit, there is a glimmer of hope for the company. In recent years, the Chinese government has become pro-patent as they feel that intellectual property protection is key to the success of the country’s homegrown global brands.

Danish toymaker Lego succeeded in its first copyright competition case in China in 2017 when the Shantou Intermediate People’s Court ruled in its favor after it found two Chinese companies copying the packaging and logos of Lego products.

The next year, the brand won another case when a court ruled that four companies had “infringed multiple copyrights of the Lego Group and conducted acts of unfair competition by producing and distributing Lepin building sets”.

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