
英语阅读 2019-08-10 12:11:50 367

A social media post shared by Ivanka Trump to mark the end of Women’s History Month may not have gotten the reaction the first daughter was expecting.

Like her stepmother, first lady Melania Trump — whose post kicking off March as Women’s History Month sparked responses calling her a “trophy wife” — the senior White House adviser is catching flak not only for her father’s off-color comments about women, but also his mockery of pressing scientific issues like climate change.

On Sunday, President Trump‘s oldest daughter marked the conclusion of Women’s History Month but noted that “every month is a good month to celebrate and encourage women pursuing an education, a career and the fulfillment of their individual dreams!’

A video accompanying the post shows a series of young girls and women working with computers, robots and various machinery to demonstrate the importance of supporting STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) opportunities for all.

One girl at the start of the video appears to be assembling a makeshift wind turbine .

Just days ago, the president, who has mocked climate change proposals like the Green New Deal, took aim at wind energy during a rally in Michigan.

Critics also cited her father’s policies and accused the 37-year-old of not truly understanding what it means to work hard.

One comment said: that is unless you rob them in early childhood of the opportunities that you received by birth, not by hard work, but by birth. Slashing money to young girls, especially girls with special needs, is un-American, despicable , but not surprising.

伊万卡特朗普老婆 伊万卡特朗普性视频 伊万卡乱入 特朗普想约女儿伊万卡 巴伦特朗普 伊万卡与巴伦关系怎样 特朗普俄罗斯人 伊万卡.特朗普 特朗普上伊万卡


