
英语阅读 2019-08-10 12:11:38 73

However great it feels to have freshly washed and styled hair, it can be time consuming and a lot of effort. While some people can go days without washing it, others have to dig out the shampoo and conditioner every day to keep it looking fresh and shiney.

But how often should we actually be washing our hair?

According to stylish Julian Farel there\'s no set rule and everyone\'s hair is different but lots of us should be cutting back, reports RSVP Live. He claims our hair will actually be less greasy if we cut back on how often we use our favourite shampoos.
造型师朱利安·法雷尔(Julian Farel)表示,这不是一成不变的,因为每个人的发质都不一样,但对于大多数人而言,应减少洗头频率,RSVP直播报道。他说如果我们能减少洗发水的使用频率,头发真的会不再那么油腻。

He said: "If you shampoo every day, it will strip your scalp of all its natural oils and can lead to dry, brittle hair." He recommends washing your hair every two or three days, but there are exceptions to this.

Celebrity stylist Paul Cucinello told Women\'s Health that if your hair is badly damaged from too much heat styling, you need to take extra care of it and shampoo only once or twice a week.
名人造型师保罗·库奇内利(Paul Cucinello)对《女性健康》杂志说道,如果你经常烫发导致头发严重受损,那就需要精心护理,每周只需洗一至两次。

The same goes for dry hair but you can still condition your hair without shampooing it as regularly as every other day. If you\'ve been working out and are worried about your hair being sweaty, you can rinse it with just water and it will still feel clean.

Those with oilier hair can shampoo "every other day" - but don\'t shampoo every day unless your hair looks greasy by the early evening. Stylist Jenny Cho told InStyle: "When conditioning, make sure to keep product on just the ends to avoid adding to the problem."
头发油的人可以"每隔一天"洗一次--但除非你的头发在洗完当天晚上又油了,否则不要天天洗哦!造型师珍妮·周(Jenny Cho)对InStyle说道:"上护发素的时候,只在发尾涂抹,以避免头发更油。"

Try to use a shampoo that\'s designed for your hair type, whether that\'s a moisturising shampoo for dry hair, a repairing shampoo for damaged hair or a gentle shampoo for coloured hair.

正常几天洗一次头发好 脱发洗头多久洗一次好 夏天头发多久洗一次最好 夏季多久洗一次头发 7天洗一次头发最好 头发掉洗什么好 什么时间洗头发最好 头发应该几天洗一


