又到一年飞絮季 北京绘“杨柳地图” 力争到2020年改善

英语阅读 2019-08-10 12:11:34 69



Beijing has mapped its female poplar and willow trees to try to contain catkins that descend on the city each spring.


catkin[\'kætkɪn]:n. [植]柔荑花序(如柳絮等)

The Chinese capital has been blanketed by catkins each spring for decades.



    The trees were planted in the 1960s and 1970s as a cheap, easy-to-maintain and quick-growing way to make Beijing greener.


Female trees look very similar to the males. The capital’s parks authority began a survey in 2017 to find out where female willows and poplars were planted so it could neutralize the catkins and go some way to sparing citizens weeks of sneezing and watery eyes as pollen spread, Beijing Youth Daily reported on Monday.



Aerial photography was used, with urban areas inside the Fifth Ring Road – where most of the city’s population lives – divided into 2,866 grids, each of 250,000 square meters, Qin Yongsheng, an official with the Beijing Gardening and Greening Bureau, said.


Three hundred students from Beijing Forestry University trained to identify the female varieties plotted the trees’ locations by species and growth, and marked them for follow-up action if required.


The survey found there were 284,000 female willows and poplars inside the Fifth Ring Road, with nearly 38 percent in the Chaoyang district. In some areas, there were about 10,000 such trees within one grid, with the highest densities found in the southwest of the city, between the Fourth and Fifth ring roads.


Up to 60 percent of the poplar trees are growing well, and that means they produce catkins.


“The higher the density, the more serious the catkin phenomenon,” Qin was quoted as saying.


The parks authority tried using inhibitors to curb budding last year but it did not work well, it said. Other measures have been introduced this year.


inhibitor [ɪn\'hɪbɪtə]:n. [助剂]抑制剂,抗化剂


 图片来源:新浪微博 “We have trimmed some branches. We will also use high-pressure water guns to take down the seeds and sweep them away,” Wang Xiaoping, another bureau official, was quoted as saying. “We aim to significantly improve the catkin situation by 2020.”


除此以外,还可以对柳树采用高位嫁接(top grafting),将雌株变成雄株,以变性来达到绝育目的,相当于给柳树做了绝育手术(sterilization surgery)。



Beijing has banned the planting of female poplars and has decided to increase the diversity of trees used in landscaping, but it has ruled out felling poplars and willows as they are a big part of the capital’s streetscapes and have adapted well to the environment.


中国工程院院士、著名林学家沈国舫表示,杨柳树的生态作用远远大于飞絮的影响,治理杨柳飞絮千万不能一砍了之。目前北京杨柳树品种数量很多,且大都已经形成大树,如果大量伐除这些树木,不仅会引起城市环境质量和景观的下降(damage environmental quality and urban landscape),还会造成更为严重的生态损失(ecological loss)。

除了具有良好的景观效果,杨柳树还具有释氧固碳(oxygen releasing and carbon fixation),降温增湿(cooling and humidification)、减菌杀菌(reducing and killing bacteria),吸收有毒有害物质等显著的生态功能。据介绍,杨树和柳树具有显著的抗大气污染的能力,对有害气体(hazardous gas)、颗粒物(particles)及重金属(heavy metal)的抗性和吸收吸附能力极强,是城市园林绿化的优良抗污树种(pollution-resistant tree species),在抗大气污染的某些能力方面优于国槐和侧柏。


 The government will also start a citywide inspection of the fire risks that come with catkins.


High-pressure water jets will be used to reduce floating catkins, and officials have asked the urban cleaning department to clear away the debris in a timely manner.


Cao Xiaojia, a doctor specializing in skin diseases at Chinese People\'s Liberation Army 306 Hospital in Beijing, said willow seeds are a common allergen in spring, with patients displaying symptoms such as red and itchy skin.


allergen [\'ælədʒ(ə)n]:n. [医]过敏原

"Those who are sensitive should take precautions such as wearing a mask when going out and avoiding eating spicy food," she said.


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