
英语阅读 2019-08-10 12:11:32 72



"Game of Thrones" is winding down with its eighth and final season, which means the power struggle the HBO series is named for may soon have a declared winner.


Given there are so many possible rulers vying for power on "Game of Thrones," we wanted to determine who fans considered likeliest to sit on the throne, and who fans considered actually best suited to rule. To accomplish this, we asked readers on social media to weigh in on it.


vie[vaɪ]: vi. 争;竞争

weigh in on: 参与(讨论等);对…发表意见


People would see two characters randomly selected from a group of 20, and asked to select the one that they thought would be the better ruler, or in the other case, the likeliest to win the Iron Throne.


We drew these conclusions from the 10,694 individual choices users made.




Tyrion just edged out Jon Snow as the character people think would be the better ruler, but Jon has the better chance of actually being in power by the end of the series. Daenerys was behind both of them in terms of being a better ruler, but fans think she has the best chance behind Jon Snow of being queen at the end of it all.


edge out: 挤掉;险胜



Sansa Stark is notably almost tied with Daenerys as both likely ruler and best leader.


The Night King, Arya Stark, and Cersei Lannister also rank higher as "most likely to rule" than the rest of the characters.


Samwell Tarly is the most neutral character on the matrix. Folks seem to think he\'d be a perfectly fine leader and also has a middling chance of ruling by the end of "Game of Thrones."


middling[\'mɪdlɪŋ]: adj. 中等的;第二流的


 Fans think the Night King and Cersei Lannister would be worse leaders, but still have a better chance of sitting the Iron Throne than most of the other characters. But Euron Greyjoy would apparently be the worst possible ruler in Westeros — even more terrible than the Night King. Theon Greyjoy and Melisandre are only just above the Night King in the ranking of worst leaders.


People voted Melisandre and Grey Worm as the two characters least likely to rule by the end of the series.


Of course, there\'s a very strong chance the Iron Throne ceases to exist by the end of the series, but we\'re betting one person will hold some main seat of power.


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