
英语阅读 2019-08-10 00:11:25 55


Portrait of a Lady on Fire 《年轻女孩的肖像画》

 French writer-director Céline Sciamma made her name with a trio of coming-of-age films: Water Lilies (2007), Tomboy (2011) and most recently the critically acclaimed 2014 drama Girlhood, which opened Cannes’ Directors’ Fortnight and was described by The Observer’s Mark Kermode as “honest, empowering and electrifying”.


A period piece, Portrait of a Lady on Fire marks a departure of sorts for Sciamma. It’s set in 18th-Century Brittany and stars Water Lilies’ Adèle Haenel as ‘reluctant bride-to-be’ Héloïse and Noémie Merlant as the artist commissioned to paint her portrait in secret. Portrait of a Lady on Fire is the first of Sciamma’s films to be in competition for the Palme d’Or.


electrifying[ɪ\'lɛktrɪfaɪɪŋ]: adj. 令人振奋的;惊人的


Parasite 《寄生虫》

 Bong Joon-ho’s latest film is a tragicomedy that explores the power dynamics between two families who live in very different social circumstances. Bong Joon-ho, director of dystopian climate-change sci-fi Snowpiercer (2013), has said he thinks Parasite may be too localized to be “100% understood” by foreign audiences. And yet the differences between the two families, he said, “mirror the universal gap between the rich and the poor”.


dystopian[dis\'təupiən]: adj. 反面假想国的;反面乌托邦的


The Dead Don’t Die 《丧尸未逝》

 With a sequel to Zombieland, a prequel to Night of the Living Dead and a new Walking Dead spin-off in the works, the zombie genre is showing no signs of dying out. Even the Cannes Film Festival is getting in on the undead action, with beloved US indie director Jim Jarmusch’s star-studded feature The Dead Don’t Die.


Bill Murray, Chloë Sevigny and Adam Driver play a deadpanning, befuddled trio of small-town cops faced with an invasion of brain-eaters, while Tilda Swinton appears as a no-nonsense mortician with a Scottish accent. An eclectic and mouthwatering cast of actors includes regular Jarmusch collaborators.


deadpan[\'dɛdpæn]: v. 面无表情地表达、表演或行动

no-nonsense[\'nəu\'nɔnsəns]: adj. 严肃的;实际的

mortician[mɔr\'tɪʃən]: n. (美)殡葬业者;丧事承办人

eclectic[ɪ\'klɛktɪk]: adj. 不拘一格的


Little Joe 《小小乔》

 In a creepy genetically modified-plant sci-fi from the Austrian director Jessica Hausner, the ‘Little Joe’ in question is a bright-red flower, cultivated to bring happiness to its owners. When Alice (Emily Beecham) takes it home for her son, they begin to realize the plant may not be as benevolent as it appears. Ben Whishaw, Lindsay Duncan and Kerry Fox co-star in the British-Austrian film that marks Hausner’s first appearance in Cannes’ official selection.


But Hausner is already a familiar face on the Croisette: she previously won the top prize in the Un Certain Regard section of the festival with Lovely Rita (2001), and her films Hotel (2004) and Amour Fou (2014) also competed in Un Certain Regard.


benevolent[bə\'nɛvələnt]: adj. 仁慈的;慈善的;亲切的


Once Upon a Time in Hollywood 《好莱坞往事》

 Quentin Tarantino sets his sights on late 60s, Manson-era Hollywood, with Leonardo DiCaprio as washed-up actor Rick Dalton and Brad Pitt his stunt double Cliff Booth in the pair’s first appearance together on screen. Al Pacino, Tarantino regular Tim Roth and Dakota Fanning also feature, with Damian Lewis playing Steve McQueen and Margot Robbie as Dalton’s ill-fated neighbor, Sharon Tate.


washed-up[\'wɔʃt\'ʌp]: adj. 不行了的;疲倦的;输了的



1. Compétition (In Competition) 主竞赛单元

主竞赛单元是戛纳电影节的主要活动,在该环节展映的影片将角逐电影节各类奖项,其中的最高荣誉——金棕榈奖(Palme d\'Or, Golden Palm)能为获奖影片带来可观的票房收入和全球关注及发行渠道。该单元一般只接受叙事类影片,不过偶尔也会有纪录片闯入。


2. Hors Compétition (Out of Competition) 非竞赛单元

非竞赛单元严格来说并不是戛纳电影节的正式组成部分,不过在电影节创办之初,这个环节就一直存在。在该环节展映的影片多是未能达到参与竞赛单元标准(meet the criteria for entering the competition)。


3. Un Certain Regard (A Certain Regard) 一种关注单元



4. Cinéfondation 电影基金会单元



5. Cannes Classics 戛纳经典单元



6. Semaine Internationale de la Critique (SIC) (International Critics\' Week) 国际影评人周



7. Quinzaine des Réalisateurs (The Directors\' Fortnight) 导演双周



8. Marché du Film (The Film Market) 电影市场


9. L\'ACID (the Association du Cinema Independent pour sa Diffusion) 独立电影推广协会


戛纳电影节的中国影片 戛纳电影节获奖影片 戛纳电影节片单 戛纳电影节的电影获奖名单 戛纳电影节最佳影片 戛纳电影节竞赛影片 戛纳电影节 戛纳电影节在哪里 72戛


