
英语阅读 2019-08-10 00:11:24 101

1. Abdominal Bloating
1. 腹胀

Ovarian cancer is a serious issue for women over 40. According to the American Cancer Society, approximately half of all cases occur in women 63 or older.

Unfortunately, many of the symptoms of this disease-especially in its early stages-are not overt, like bloating and belly pain. Since these same inconveniences can be caused by everything from indigestion to food intolerances, women rarely think they could be the result of something as serious as cancer.

2. Moodiness
2. 情绪波动

Falling is increasingly common as we age. In fact, fall-related traumatic brain injuries alone account for more than 140,000 emergency department visits among older adults every year in the United States. Some of the cognitive concussion symptoms like confusion, moodiness, and memory problems mimic the natural aging process, so it\'s not uncommon for both patients and doctors to brush them off.

If you are involved in a fall or any sort of accident and begin to experience fogginess or moodiness, make sure to get yourself checked out by a professional immediately to rule out any serious brain trauma.

3. Unintentional Weight Loss
3. 意料之外的体重减轻

Losing weight is only something to celebrate if you need to shed a few pounds and are actively trying to do so. Otherwise, that unintentional weight loss could be a symptom of something serious, like type 2 diabetes.

"If you have type 2 diabetes, your body doesn\'t use insulin effectively, and can\'t transport the glucose to the cells," according to Sue Cotey, RN and Andrea Harris, RN, nurses with the Cleveland Clinic. "When the glucose doesn\'t arrive in your cells, your body thinks it\'s starving and finds a way to compensate. It creates energy by burning fat and muscle at a rapid pace." Hence the unintended weight loss."
"如果你是2型糖尿病患者,你的身体则不能有效使用胰岛素,无法将葡萄糖运输到细胞中,"苏·蔻蒂(Sue Cotey)注册营养师和安德里·哈里斯(Andrea Harris)注册营养师表示,他们也是克利夫兰诊所的护士。"当葡萄糖无法到达组织细胞,你的身体会感到饥饿,并试图找方法补偿。通过快速燃烧脂肪和肌肉,身体产生了能量。所以体重才会减轻。"

In 2015, the National Diabetes Statistics Report found that adults between 45 and 64 were the most diagnosed age group for diabetes. So if you\'re losing weight inexplicably, you should\'t simply look the other way.

迹象 怀孕的迹象 流产迹象 宫外孕的迹象 生儿子的迹象 比停经更早怀孕迹象 抑郁症的前兆表现 要生了有哪些征兆10点 要升职的迹象


