
英语阅读 2019-08-09 12:11:32 73

The dilemma I\'m a woman in my early 30s and six months ago I was dumped. Our relationship was long distance, developed quickly and was the most intense of my life. He is 10 years my senior and is a unique, charismatic, charming man who makes a good impression on everyone. In private, however, he could be unkind, judgmental and emotionally distant. He could also be demanding, controlling and critical. During our relationship he pushed me to enter his world of ideas, books, films and art.

If I didn\'t show enough interest, he would become disappointed and irritable. He would often ask me to articulate my thoughts and tell him what I needed, but I felt put on the spot and could never seem to act decisively in those moments. Now I am suffering a crisis of confidence as I struggle to define what makes me interesting. I can\'t seem to separate my own interests from his - and they all remind me of him. I was in the process of moving to his city (for career reasons as well) when he ended it. My plans have become totally destabilised and I have lost my sense of self.

Mariella replies No wonder. That\'s exactly what he was programmed to do. Most women I know have one such Svengali-style relationship under their belt. My own took up most of my late 20s, so I know what you are feeling. Often it\'s men that little bit older whose inability to achieve their own ambitions gives them a craving for moulding others.
马瑞拉(Mariella)回复道:难怪。他就是这么计划的。我认识的大多数女性都经历过斯文加利式的恋情(Svengali-style relationship)。就我个人而言,这段恋情几乎占据了我二十七八年华的大部分时间,所以我明白你的感受。通常,这样的男人都年纪稍大,他们无法实现自己的野心,渴望塑造他人。

These characters thrive on the taste of power it offers and the distraction from their own insecurities. Mostly, such relationships occur in our 20s when we are young enough to still be searching for our true selves and impressionable enough to cede trust to someone who makes it very clear that we\'re not up to scratch. These "role models" tend to impress upon us our own deficiencies with enough conviction that we foolishly hand over the reins to them to make better people of us.

吹毛求疵的 对吹毛求疵的人怎么办 吹毛求疵的人 吹毛求疵意思 吹毛求疵的褒义 吹毛求疵的人什么样 吹毛求疵典故 吹毛求疵的反义词 吹毛求疵同义词


