
英语阅读 2019-08-09 00:11:40 130

Toxic masculinity is like "a chronic illness" 


Novelist Jared Yates Sexton catapulted onto the national media in 2016 when his dispatches from Donald Trump presidential campaign rallies — prompting me to ask him once, "how does a nice creative writing professor end up covering the presidential election?" — revealed a cultural insider\'s perspective on the rise of Trump.

2016年,唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)在总统竞选集会上发表讲话时,小说家贾里德·耶茨·塞克斯顿(Jared Yates Sexton)突然出现在了国家媒体上——我禁不住向他提问,“您这么优秀的创意写作教授怎么会沦落到报道总统竞选的地步呢?”——揭示了文化局内人对特朗普崛起所持的观点。 

In his 2017 book about the campaign and American rage, "The People Will Rise Like the Waters Upon Your Shore," Sexton wrote about how he could walk among Trump supporters and witness their unguarded responses and conversations because he knew how to blend in; he grew up in a white working-class Christian family in rural Indiana, and as he wrote for the New York Times in October 2016, after the infamous "Access Hollywood" tape leaked, he recognized the power of Trump\'s messaging immediately 

2017年,他就那次竞选和愤怒的选民写了一本书《公民如潮水般崛起》(The People Will Rise Like the Waters Upon Your Shore),塞克斯顿描述了他在特朗普支持者中穿梭行走,见证了他们毫无防备的响应和对话,因为他知道该如何融入其中;他出生于印第安纳州农村的一个白人基督徒工薪家庭,在其臭名昭著的“好莱坞访问”录像带泄露后,他在2016年10月版的《纽约时报》杂志上承认了特朗普信息的力量:

In the book that rose out of that op-ed, "The Man They Wanted Me To Be: Toxic Masculinity and a Crisis of Our Own Making", Sexton (an occasional Salon contributor) dives deep into his personal history with working-class white American patriarchal culture, weaving memoir with historical and sociological research and cultural analysis to explore how the constructs of traditional masculinity harm not only women, children and vulnerable people but also the straight white working-class men these strictures are supposed to privilege. 

这本书源于一篇专栏文章《他们希望我成为的那种人:直男癌和危机制造者》(The Man They Wanted Me To Be: Toxic Masculinity and a Crisis of Our Own Making),塞克斯顿(偶尔会为Salon杂志撰稿)深入描述了他的个人历史:美国白人工薪阶层家长制文化,编纂了有关历史和社会学研究以及文化分析的回忆录,从而探讨传统大男子主义不仅伤害女性、儿童以及弱势群体,而且也会伤害这些白人工薪阶层男子理应享受的限制特权。

His honest and heartbreaking account of never quite being able to shed the damaging gender demands he was raised with, along with the cultural and historical context that he provides, provides a blueprint for how men can confront the harm that toxic masculinity has brought them. I don\'t consider it critical hyperbole to say that a book like this can save lives. 


Raised in a working class community in rural Indiana, Sexton absorbed the cultural messages around him that he — sensitive, imaginative — was not the kind of boy who grew up to be a man who had value in his community. 


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