
英语阅读 2019-08-09 00:11:30 141

What Good Parents Do 


Reddit user moonunknown writes, “I did not grow up in a happy home, and I’ve seen a lot of people that had similar experiences. I thought that there must be parents that do a good job though. I want to be a good parent.” 


And so the redditor put out the question: “Children of good parents, what did your parents do right?” 


Thousands of comments came in as people reflected on their childhoods. 


They don’t always give the easy answer 


Panic_Azimuth’s mom knew that the best lessons come from experiences (not Google). When I was little we lived near a freeway. I asked my mom one time how far the freeway went, and where we would be if we just got on it and kept driving. 


 She had a map. Did she show it to me? 


Nope. She said, “Let’s see.” We hopped in the car and drove for hours until we were both tired of it, THEN pulled out the map and found a route home along the shore of one of the US Great Lakes. This was in the ‘80s, before GPS or cellphones. I was maybe 10 and she let me navigate home. 


She could have just told me or shown me on the map without leaving the couch, but she wanted me to know ... and maybe she wanted to know herself. 


They don’t shelter their kids from the truth 


Velour_manure’s parents felt it was okay to be open about their struggles. 


They were very transparent with me and my brother. When money was tight, they would tell us. We would ask why we were eating the same meal every night and my mom would say she was swamped at work and bills were piling up, and that made a lot of sense to us even though we were just kids. When someone in the family died, they would tell us straight up and not sugar coat anything. They would take us to funerals and treat us like adults. 


爸妈的育儿感悟 育儿经验 家长的育儿经验 育儿 父母简短的育儿心得 家长育儿的困惑有哪些 育儿宝 3~6岁育儿小知识 父母教育孩子的方式


