
英语学习 2019-07-19 18:14:06 266

有关职业目标的问题是面试中常常会被问到的问题之一,对于此类问题的回答可不要按照自己的想法"直抒胸臆",而是应该和你应聘的行业和职位结合起来。 1. If you could start your career again, what would you do differently?
对策:Nothing ... I am happy today, so I don\'t want to change my past. 2. What career options do you have at the moment?
对策:"I see three areas of interest..." Relate those to the position and industry. 3. How would you describe the essence of success? According to your definition of success, how successful have you been so far?
对策:Think carefully about your answer and relate it to your career accomplishments. (来源:加拿大职业论坛上海师范大学通讯员殷颢供稿 英语点津 Annabel 编辑)

面试 职业规划 职业规划面试如何回答 职业发展规划 面试 面试个人职业规划 面试中问到职业规划 面试的职业规划范文 职业规划面试回答范文 面试问3-5年职业规划


