
英语学习 2019-07-18 10:16:45 140
  Key Sentences(重点句子)   761.I came about your advertisement for receptionists in the newspaper last week.


  762.Have you worked anywhere else?


  763.Yes,I\'ve been working in the Beauty Restaurant as a full-time waiter after leaving the occupational school.


  764.Here is my resume.


  765.May I ask why you are interested in working at our hotel?


  766.Because I think I\'m fit for a receptionist\'s job.I\'m still learning spoken English,you know.There will be a lot of foreigners to come to your hotel,won\'t there?




  768.When did you study English?


  769.When I was a student,English happened to be my favorite subject.After graduation,I went on studying spoken English in my spare time.


  770.Do you think if there is still any room for improvement in your spoken English?


  771.Sure,I do think so.


  772.Do you think you have a good command of hotel English?


  773.Yes,I think so.


  774.Where do you work now?


  775.I work at Beijing Hotel.


  776.Can you tell me why you want to leave the present post?


  777.For one thing,I\'m desirous of working with a large hotel like yours.I know your hotel is a five-star-grade hotel with a good reputation both at home and abroad.For another thing,my present post does not involve me much in speaking English.I think I will have more opportunities to use English at your hotel.


  778.Do you want to work here because you can speak English?


  779.No,not just because I can speak English.What I really want is the chance to learn some advanced methods of management from foreign staff members.


  Dialogue A

  (I= Interviewer主试人 A= Applicant申请人)

  I:Good morning.Can I help you?

  A:Yes.I came about your advertisement for receptionists in the newspaper last week.

  I:Oh,yes.Won\'t you sit down? What\'s your name?

  A:My name is Anhua Zhao.

  I:How old are you?

  A:I\'m twenty-four years old.

  I:Have you worked anywhere else?

  A:Yes,I\'ve been working in the Beauty Restaurant as a full-time waiter after leaving the occupational school.Here is my resume.

  I:Good.May I ask why you are interested in working at our hotel?

  A:Because I think I\'m fit for a receptionist\'s job.I\'m still learn-ing spoken English,you know.There\'ll be a lot of foreigners to come to your hotel,won\'t there?

  I:Certainly.When did you study English?

  A:When I was a student,English happened to be my favorite subject.After graduation.I went on studying spoken English in my spare time.

  I:I see.Do you think if there is still any room for improvement in your spoken English?

  A:Sure,I do think so.But as the old saying goes“Where there is a will,there is a way.”I\'ll do my best to improve my spoken English.

  I:Well,that\'s a good answer.Can you tell me why you want to leave your present post?

  A:I\'m desirous of leaving my present employer simply because I see no chance of advancement.

  I:Do you want to work here because you can speak English?

  A:No,not just because I can speak English.What I really want is the chance to learn some advanced methods of management from foreign staff members.

  I:We believe you would be able to do the job very well.But as you know,we have dozens of applicants to be answered.We can\'t reach a final decision until we talked to all applicants being asked to come here.

  A:When can I know whether I\'m accepted or not?

  I:I think we\'ll send you a letter by early next month if you are wanted.

  A:I see.Thank you for your talking with me.

  I:Thank you,Mr Zhao,for your interest in our hotel.Good luck to you.

  A:Thank you.


  1.Yes,I came about your advertisement for…


  这里用 came过去时多,用have come现在完成时少。虽然是刚刚来到,但come这一动作已结束,所以用过去式。

  2.But as the old saying goes“Where there is a will,the is a way.I\'ll do my best to improve my spoken English.


  3.I\'m desirous of leaving my present employer simply because I see no chance of advancement.


  4.But as you know,we have dozens of applicants to be answered.


  5.We can\'t reach a final decision until we talked to all applicants being asked to come here.


  6.When can I know whether I\'m accepted or not?


  7.…if you are wanted.


  8.Good luck to you.


  Words and Expressions

  receptionist                n.接待员

  occupational           a.职业的

  occupational school                               职业学校

  spare                                        a.空闲的

  five-star-grade                                      为复合词,五星级的,其他如:

  a three-thousand-word article         一篇三千字的文章

  the eighth five-year plan                 第八个五年计划

  reputation            n.声誉,声望

  of good reputation                                 有名望的

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