
英语学习 2019-07-18 10:09:20 112

  前两课我们讲了面试英语中首先要进行的开场白和如何进行自我介绍。通常自我介绍都要介绍自己的个人情况,家庭情况,工作经验,个人能力等等,今天我们就来讲讲如何介绍自己的个人和家庭情况。先来看一些简单的对话: I: Where is your birthplace?

C: I was born in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.

I: Where is your native place?

C: My native place is Tianjin.

I: Are you a resident of Beijing now?

C: Yes. I have been living in Beijing since my childhood.

I: Where is your domicile place?

C: My domicile place is Taiyuan.

I: What is your nationality?

C: I\'m Chinese.

I: What is your nation?

C: My nation is the Han.

I: How large is your family?

C: There are four of us including my parents, a younger sister and me.

I: Do you spend much time talking with your family?

C: Yes. It\'s said there\'s a generation gap in the world today, but I don\'t think this is the case at our house. We all work at taking time to talk with each other. Especially at mealtime, we all eat and talk together. Meals are very lively at our house.

I: Your application form said that you have a younger sister. How do you get along with each other?

C: We get along well with each other. She is 6 years younger than me, and she is right now studying for college entrance exams. She asks me a lot for advice on how to study and things like that. Besides, we do many things together, such as going swimming, mountain climbing and soon.

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