
英语学习 2019-07-18 09:59:35 147
  Why don\'t you take this afternoon off?为什么不下午请假呢?我想请/休两天假,就可以说I want to take two days off.我有两天休假,则说I have two day soff.
  无限扩展:请病假:ask for a sick leave、请事假:ask for a casual leave请产假:ask for maternity leave,所以,I am on my maternity leave.就是“我在休产假”的意思。
  I\'m already behind schedule.我的工作还没完成,已落后时间表了。Behind schedule表示落后于时间表,比原计划慢。无限扩展:表示“按计划完成”就是on schedule,如We finished the project on schedule.我们按计划完成了工程项目。
  有时候老板们会定个最后期限,表示工作在此之前必须完成。表示这个“最后期限,时间限制”用deadline,如We had to work overtime last night in order to meet the deadline.我们昨晚为赶最后期限,不得不加班来完成工作。
  He would think that I was putting him on.他会觉得我在骗他。
  to put some body on愚弄、欺骗某人;如she put on an English accent.她假装带有英国口音。
  无限扩展:You\'re putting me on!你在开我的玩笑。
  I\'ll handle him.我会跟他解释的。To handle表示处理、应付、应对。如I can\'t handle children.我管不住孩子们。She handled a difficult argument skillfully.她巧妙地应付了一场艰难的辩论。

  John:Do you have any tissue, Eveline? I\'ve used all mine.伊芙琳,你有纸巾么?我的全用光了。
  Eveline:Here. Are you all right?给,你还好吧?
  John:Thanks. I\'m all right. It\'s just my nose. It must be an allergy.... Do you have any aspirin? I have a terrible headache.谢谢,还好,都是我的鼻子,肯定是过敏了。你有没有阿斯匹林?我头疼死了。
  Eveline:I don\'t have an aspirin. Perhaps you should go to a doctor.我没有,也许你得去看看医生了。
  John:No, no. I\'m okay. It\'s the weather. It was warm and sunny this morning, and now it\'s chilly and raining.不不,算了吧,我还好啦。都是这鬼天气闹的,早上还阳光灿烂挺暖和的,这会儿却下雨了,阴冷阴冷的。
  Eveline:Really, John. I still think you should go to a doctor. You\'ve been sneezing ever since you entered the office this morning. Why don\'t you take this afternoon off? If you don\'t want to see a doctor, at least you can go home and have a good rest.的确,约翰。我还是觉得你应该去看医生。今早你一到办公室,就打喷嚏到现在。干脆下午请假吧,如果你不想去看病,至少回家好好休息一下。
  John:I can\'t. I\'m already behind schedule. Besides, you know Mr.Thomas. He would think that I was putting him on.不行啊,我已经落后于时间表了。而且你知道托马斯先生的,他会认为我在愚弄他。
  Eveline:You didn\'t do anything but sneeze this morning, and you can\'t do anything this afternoon like this. Gee! You\'ve got a fever!今早你除了打喷嚏什么都没做,你这个样子下午也做不了什么。呀!你还发烧呢。
  John:Do I ?... Oh, no.什么?噢噢,不是吧。
  Eveline:Listen to me. You go home now.听我的!你现在回家。
  John:What about Mr.Thomas?那托马斯先生怎么办?
  Eveline:I\'ll handle him. Now go home. I\'ll call you afterwork.我会给他解释的,你快回家吧,下班后我给你打电话。
  John:Thanks a lot, Eveline. Good-bye.那太谢谢你了伊芙琳,回见。 生病了怎么和领导请假 生病和领导请假 怎么给老板请假 生病了怎么请假 生病请假 上班生病怎么请假 生病跟领导请假怎么说 跟老板请假的好理由 发烧请假如何跟老板说


