大学英语听说教程 第二册 unit2a

英语听力 2019-07-18 09:25:08 104
[00:00.00]Listening & Speaking Book 2
[00:04.83]Unit 2
[00:07.73]Why They Excel
[00:11.02]Part II Guided Conversation
[00:15.60]2.1 Sample Conversation
[00:20.27]1.In everyday life,we often want to give our opinions and ask others\' opinions.
[00:29.47]Listen to the following conversations,
[00:33.65]paying special attention to the colored parts and their intonation.
[00:42.29]A:What do you think of making English a required subject in school?
[00:48.07]B:I think it\'s a good idea.
[00:51.54]A:Why do you think that?
[00:54.73]B:Well,you never know when a foreigner might ask you for help or something.
[01:00.81]A:That\'s a good point.
[01:09.20]A:Do you think capital punishment should be abolished?
[01:13.90]B:I\'m afraid I don\'t,really.
[01:17.40]In my opinion,capital punishment is just what killers deserve.
[01:23.49]A:I see it differently When you kill a killer,you become a killer too.
[01:36.08]A:What\'s your opinion of violence on television?
[01:40.96]B:It seems to me that the effect on children is really bad
[01:46.34]it encourages them to act violently.
[01:50.65]A:I agree.
[01:53.45]And it also teaches them to accept violence as a natural part of life.
[02:02.96]Part III Summary and Discussion
[02:12.44]3.3 Discussion
[02:16.54]1)You\'re going to hear a conversation related to Text A.
[02:23.75]The conversation is printed below, but not in the correct order.
[02:30.26]As you listen the first time,number the speeches in the order in which you hear them.
[02:37.54]The first three have been numbered for you as examples.
[02:42.74]Then read through the dialog with a partner to make sure you both have the same order.
[02:50.14]TV Announcer:What makes Asian-Americans perform so well at school?
[02:55.62]Our program today discusses the amazing success of Asian-American students
[03:03.01]who are taking our best universities by storm and...
[03:08.32]LI Peng Peng:Hey,why\'d you turn it off?I wanted to watch that show.
[03:14.43]Chang Ming Zhong:Are you kidding?
[03:17.22]I\'m sick of all these investigations into how much better Asian-Americans are than every body else.
[03:25.53]We are getting better grades than other students.
[03:32.72]Isn\'t it worth trying to figure out why?
[03:37.13]Chang Ming Zhong:There is no why!
[03:40.32]I don\'t believe we\'re better than anyone else,
[03:45.02]and I don\'t like it when people say we are.
[03:50.22]I have the right to be an underachiever if I want to be,even if I am Asian-American.
[03:58.63]Li Peng Peng:But you aren\'t an under-achiever in fact.
[04:04.32]you\'re a pretty good example of just what the research is talking about.
[04:10.62]Asian-Americans do get better grades,on the average,than other ethnic groups.
[04:18.22]All the studies show the same thing.Why do you have a problem with it?
[04:24.62]Chang Ming Zhong:Look,if get an A I want to know I earned it
[04:30.73]that it wasn\'t a case of some white teacher thinking
[04:36.32]"Oh,an Asian-American he\'ll get good grades because they all do.
[04:43.72]Li Peng Peng:Don\'t be silly!Teachers don\'t think that way.
[04:49.23]Cheng Ming Zhong:Well,maybe not all of them
[04:53.51]But there are too many people who think Asian-Americans
[04:58.68]study hard because their parents make them
[05:03.36]or they\'re following the teachings of Confucius.
[05:08.04]Li Peng Peng:So what?There\'s a lot of truth in that.
[05:12.45]Chang Ming Zhong:If that\'s what you want to think,I can\'t stop you.
[05:17.05]But I get good grades because I deserve them,
[05:21.33]and I work hard in school because I like to learn
[05:25.93]not because of Confucius and not because anyone makes me.
[05:32.02]And I don\'t do it for my familys honor,either.I do it for myself.
[05:41.71]Part IV Listening and Speaking
[05:50.69]4.1 Understanding a Conversation
[05:56.28]2.Now listen carefully to the conversation and as you listen,
[06:03.49]decide whether the following statements are true(T) or false (F).
[06:09.79]Jack:Grandma,would you like to see the pictures I took on my trip to Europe?

[06:15.56]Grandma:Europe!I thought you went to Mexico.That\'s not in Europe!
[06:21.15]Jack:That was last summer.This year I went to Europe.
[06:26.85]Grandma:(crabbily)Europe,Mexico--Why are you young people travelling around all the time?
[06:32.93]Sightseeing and taking pictures and flying around in airplanes and who knows what else!
[06:39.75]It\'s crazy!
[06:42.65]Jack:Well,you know,people travel for all sorts of reasons,not just for pleasure.
[06:50.44]I went to Mexico for a language course,for example,and I was in Europe on business.
[06:57.75]Besides,travel is supposed to broaden the mind.
[07:02.95]Even if people are just sightseeing,you can learn a lot from travelling.
[07:09.74]Grandma(still crabby):My mind is broad enough already,thank you!
[07:14.65]What do you think TV is for?!
[07:18.23]And it doesn\'t cost a fortune,either,and it\'s safe.
[07:23.12]Not like flying around in airplanes and you don\'t have to spend weeks travelling!
[07:29.80]Jack:But Grandma,travelling is a lot safer now,and cheaper too.
[07:36.28]In the old days,I suppose,people didn\'t travel much because it was so slow and difficult.
[07:44.20]I read that it used to take two weeks to get from New York to Chicago.
[07:50.39]Now you can travel around the world seven times in two weeks!
[07:55.59]Grandma:Seven times!Who wants to go around the world seven times?!
[08:01.88]Jack(dreamily):And it only takes a week to get to the Moon and back!
[08:07.68]Grandma:The moon!You are not going to the Moon!
[08:12.59]Jack(laughing):I\'m not planning on it,no.
[08:16.30]But the next generation will take trips to the Moon for granted.
[08:25.08]4.2 Retelling a Story
[08:34.35]2.Listen to the following story twice and,as you listen,
[08:41.14]fill in the blanks with the missing information.
[08:45.92]Tom,a 13-year-old boy,was a student at a junior high school in Ohio.
[08:54.62]He was not a good student,and he didn\'t behave well at school.
[09:00.50]He talked in class,and he was often late.
[09:05.18]His teachers were always telling him to go to the principal\'s office.
[09:10.87]Alex Johnson was the principal at Tom\'s school.
[09:16.07]At first Mr.Johnson tried to talk to Tom in a friendly way.
[09:22.26]But Tom didn\'t pay any attention;
[09:26.36]two days later he was back in Mr.Johnson\'s office
[09:31.77]because he\'d been flying paper airplanes at the teacher.
[09:36.97]So Mr.Johnson told him he had to stay after school for an hour every day for a week.
[09:45.25]But Tom spent the extra hour writing dirty words on the desk he was sitting at
[09:52.43]Mr.Johnson had no choice.
[09:56.32]He told Tom,"You\'re suspended from school for three days" This just made Tom happy."
[10:05.20]A three-day vacation!"he thought.
[10:09.52]The first day Tom returned to school after the suspension he made trouble again.
[10:16.91]This time he was caught copying his neighbor\'s answers to a quiz.
[10:22.99]Mr.Johnson phoned Tom\'s father,who listened to everything Mr.Johnson had to say,
[10:30.57]and promised to find a solution.
[10:34.46]The next day,Tom\'s father appeared at the school with his son
[10:40.55] and went with him to every class.
[10:45.04]All the other students stared at them,
[10:49.43]and Tom was so embarrassed that he never behaved badly in school again.
[10:59.54]4.3 Note-Taking
[11:08.42]2.As you listen to the passage,
[11:13.02]put down some notes about the events connected with the following dates.
[11:19.29]Florence Nightingale was born in Florence,a city in Italy,in 1820.
[11:26.68]She was named after the city of her birth.
[11:30.78]As a little girl,Florence liked playing with her dolls and pretending to nurse them.
[11:37.57]She wanted very much to be a nurse.
[11:41.28]But her father was very much against the idea.
[11:46.66]He was a wealthy man and he sent Florence on many trips abroad
[11:52.54] in hope that she would forget about nursing.
[11:57.24]But wherever she went,instead as her father expected,
[12:03.46]she spent all her time visiting hospitals.
[12:07.95]In 1853,she went to Paris to study nursing
[12:14.46]and in the same year she went to London.
[12:18.46]In 1857,she established a hospital for women.
[12:24.44]In 1854,Florence went to Crimea to nurse soldiers wounded in the war.
[12:32.01]Following the end of the Crimean War in 1856,she return to London.
[12:39.59]In 1857,she established the Nightingale Home for the training of nurses.
[12:46.77]Between 1862 and 1890,
[12:51.76]she helped establish many nursing schools in hospitals throughout England.
[12:57.74]In 1907,when she was eighty-seven years old
[13:03.26]she received the order of Merit from the king of England.
[13:08.64]She died in 1910 in London,at the age of ninety.
[13:14.51]Today her name has become a synonym for the nursing profession that she did so much to establish. 现在大学英语上哪本书 新应用大学英语基础篇2 大学英语2听说教程 大学英语听说教程4 大学英语听说教程3 大学英语听说教程陈向京 大学英语听说教程第二版 大学英


