大学英语听说教程 第二册 unit1a

英语听力 2019-07-18 09:25:05 123
[00:00.00]21st Century College English
[00:22.13]Listening & Speaking Book 2
[00:27.09]Unit 1
[00:29.78]Winston Churchill--His other life
[00:33.88]Part II
[00:36.57]Guided Conversation
[00:39.86]2.1 Sample Conversations
[00:44.56]1.Everyone needs to know how to ask for and give directions.
[00:51.46]Listen to the following dialogs,
[00:55.07]paying special attention to the colored parts and their intonation.
[01:03.76]A:Excuse me.Could you tell me where the post office is?
[01:09.96]B:The post office?Sorry,I\'m not really sure.
[01:15.76]A:Well,thanks anyway.
[01:19.15]A:(Pause,to another man)Uh,excuse me.
[01:22.65]I\'m trying to find the post office.Can you help me?
[01:28.27]C:The post office?
[01:31.17]Let\'s see now.
[01:33.86]Oh,yes.You go straight down this street to the corner.
[01:39.16]Turn left and go one block until you come to Pine Street.
[01:44.36]Go right on Pine Street
[01:47.65]It\'s on the right side of the street,just past the bank.
[01:52.33]You can\'t miss it.
[01:55.12]A:I see.Straight to the corner.Left and then right.
[02:01.50]C:That\'s it.
[02:03.98]A:OK,thanks a lot.
[02:07.37]C:You\'re very welcome.
[02:14.92]A:Uh,excuse me.How do I get to the City Library?
[02:20.43]B:Sorry,I can\'t help you,I\'m afraid.I\'m not from here.
[02:26.02]A:Oh well,thanks anyway.(Pause,to another man)Uh,excuse me,
[02:32.42]but I wonder if you could give me directions to the City Library?
[02:37.94]C:Certainly.Well,you have a choice are you going by bus or walking?
[02:47.63]C:Right.Walk along this street and turn left just past the bookstore.
[02:53.74]Go along the street and take the first right,
[02:58.02]and you\'ll see the library on your left opposite a park.
[03:03.33]A:So it\'s along this street,turn left just past the bookstore and then turn right.
[03:11.32]C:That\'s it.
[03:13.80]A:Thank you very much.
[03:16.81]C:You\'re welcome.
[03:24.09]A:Uh,excuse me,ma\'am.Could you please tell me the way to the Holiday Inn?
[03:30.47]B:Of course.It\'s on Eighth Street,next to the cinema.
[03:35.95]A:On Eighth Street?
[03:39.06]B:That\'s right.You know where that is?
[03:42.96]A:I\'m afraid I don\'t I\'m new in town.
[03:47.06]B:Let me see...Why don\'t you follow this street President Way,
[03:53.67]until you get to the traffic light.
[03:57.56]Turn right there,that\'s Hill Street,
[04:01.84]then go down about two blocks until you get to Eighth Street.
[04:07.54]Then turn left and walk about one block.The Holiday Inn is on your left.
[04:14.43]A:Wait a minute,let me see if I\'ve got this straight.
[04:19.42]Along this street,turn right,go down along Hill Street,
[04:26.14]take a left on Eighth Street,go one block.
[04:31.33]B:One or two blocks,that\'s right.
[04:35.02]A:The Holiday Inn is on the left.
[04:38.49]B:That\'s right.
[04:41.36]A:Well,thank you very much ma\'am.You\'ve been very helpful.
[04:46.56]B:That\'s quite all right.
[04:51.94]2.3 Conversation Practice
[05:00.04]1.Look at the map below.
[05:04.12]You\'re going to hear directions telling you how to get from locations A,B and C
[05:11.82]to the stationery store,the post office and the church.
[05:16.73]Listen carefully to the directions and mark each destination on the map.
[05:23.32]A.You\'re standing outside the National Bank.
[05:28.80]Go along Jefferson Street to Maple Street.
[05:33.61]Turn right;the stationery store is the third shop on your right.
[05:40.19]Put a circled letter A in the box that represents the stationery store.
[05:46.91]B.You\'re standing outside the railway station.
[05:52.39]Make a left on Lincoln Street and walk one block to Park Road.
[05:58.27]The post office is on the corner of Lincoln Street and Park Road,just opposite the park.
[06:05.87]Mark the post office with a circled letter B.
[06:10.89]C.You\'re standing outside the park.Turn right along Park Road.
[06:18.07]Go past the park and walk two blocks to Maple Street.
[06:23.69]Turn right and you\'ll see a school on your left.
[06:28.57]The church is on the corner,next to the school. 

[06:33.67]Mark it with a circled letter C.
[06:40.35]Part III
[06:46.96]Summary and Discussion
[06:50.15]3.3 Discussion
[06:53.96]1.You\'re going to hear the following text-related conversation twice.
[07:00.65] As you listen,fill in the blanks with the words you hear on the tape.
[07:06.66] Then find the answers to the questions that follow it.
[07:11.65]Jennifer:I still say the painting you saw can\'t have been by Winston Churchill,
[07:16.74]the prime minister.
[07:19.54]Politicians aren\'t artistic. You need passion to be a painter!
[07:24.73]Joanna:So maybe Churchill had a passionate side to his character that we don\'t know about.
[07:31.21] Anyway,if you don\'t believe me,we can check in the encyclopedia.
[07:37.20]Jennifer:Okay,I will then!(pause for rustling notices as Jennifer finds the encyclopedia)
[07:40.30]All right,I\'ve found it!(reading from the encyclopedia)
[07:43.41]"Churchill,Sir Winston:
[07:46.81]prime minister of Great Britain from 1940 to 1945 and 1951 to 1955.
[07:55.30]Born in 1874..."
[07:58.90]Joanna:1874?! I didn\'t know he was that old!
[08:04.10]Jennifer:(reading)"Young Churchill had a lonely and unhappy childhood."
[08:09.20]Joanna:See,that\'s artistic!
[08:12.59]Let me see that.(she takes the encyclopedia and continues reading:)
[08:15.78]"From the very start of his political career Churchill was a controversial figure.
[08:22.47]Brilliant and brave,he was also stubborn and impulsive,and he frequently paid the price.
[08:30.25]In 1915,he was deeply involved in the disastrous Dardanelles campaign.
[08:38.45]When the mission failed,Churchill\'s reputation made him easy to blame.
[08:44.75]He came under heavy political attack and fell from office."
[08:50.16]Jennifer:How frustrating!
[08:52.95]Joanna:Ha,now listen!(reading):
[08:56.45]"It was in this period that Churchill\'s discovered his talent with a brush.
[09:02.54]His painting never rose above the level of a gifted amateur,
[09:08.13]but it was clearly a source of comfort to him:
[09:12.62]he sought refuge in painting in times of trouble throughout his life.
[09:18.52]There are 500-odd Churchill paintings still in existence,
[09:24.04]most of which date from the many periods when he had fallen from office."
[09:30.62]Jennifer:Hm,okay,so you were right about the painting
[09:35.22]But you know...I thought everyone loved Winston Churchill
[09:40.00]I thought he was prime minister forever!
[09:43.71]If he couldn\'t even stay in office,why does everyone think he was so great?
[09:49.40]Joanna:His spirit was great!Listen:
[09:53.71]"A frequently misunderstood and lonely man,Churchill never gave up.
[10:00.01]His courage and devotion as a wartime leader made him as unforgettable figure
[10:07.40]A passionate patriot,he was also a citizen of the world.
[10:13.30]A fearless fighter,he was also a generous victor.
[10:18.71]And in times of peace,he revealed the ability to learn and grow
[10:25.11] that is the mark of true strength."
[10:31.80]Joanna:(thoughtful agreement)Hm.
[10:37.39]Part IV
[10:43.76]Listening and Speaking
[10:47.16]4.1 Understanding a Conversation
[10:52.46]3)Lu Yongtao is planning a business trip to the United States
[10:59.54]and wants to do some sightseeing at the same time.
[11:04.63]You\'re going to hear his discussion with a travel agent.
[11:09.34]Which of the following sights does the travel agent recommend?
[11:14.53] Listen to the passage and,as you listen,
[11:19.13](a)number the sights in the order in which they\'re mentioned,
[11:24.83]and (b)write down the location of each.
[11:29.53]Warning:Not all of the sights listed here are mentioned on the tape!
[11:35.93]Agent:Good morning.How can I help you?
[11:39.72]Lu Yongtao:I\'m going to the US on business
[11:43.61]and I want to do some sightseeing at the same time.
[11:48.39]Agent:Okay,where will you be on business?
[11:52.46]Lu Yongtao:I\'ll be in Washington,D.C.for three days,
[11:57.14]and then is San Francisco for two.
[12:01.35]I\'ll have about 10 days in between,
[12:05.45]and I\'d like to see some of the historic monuments and national parks.

[12:10.96]Agent:You know,you can see some very interesting monuments in Washington.
[12:16.65]The Capital Building is worth a visit that\'s where Congress meets.
[12:22.24]Lu Yongtao: Oh?
[12:25.35]Agent:And you should see the Lincoln Memorial
[12:29.35]that\'s that huge statue of Abraham Lincoln sitting in a chair.
[12:35.04]Lu Yongtao:Yes,I\'ve seen pictures of it.
[12:38.75]Agent:Then on your way west,you could stop at Mount Rushmore in South Dakota.
[12:45.54]It\'s really something to see!
[12:49.15]Lu:Isn\'t that the mountain with presidents heads carved into it?
[12:54.95]Agent:That\'s right.And the Grand Canyon in AriZona is definitely worth a visit.
[13:02.16]It\'s one of the most popular tourist spots for foreign visitors.
[13:07.64]Lu Yongtao:Well,I\'d better not miss it,then!
[13:11.54]Now,is Disney World somewhere on the way?
[13:16.53]I\'ve always wanted to see Disney World.
[13:20.81]Agent:Uh,actually Disney World is in Florida.
[13:25.49]Disneyland is in California,though
[13:29.77]you could stop there on your way from the Grand Canyon to San Francisco.
[13:36.38]Lu Yongtao:Oh gee,I don\'t know.
[13:40.27]It\'s really Disney World.I wanted to see.
[13:44.66]Agent:Disneyland was built first,though,so it\'s more historical.
[13:50.25]And it\'ll be right on your way.
[13:53.75]I promise you won\'t be disappointed.
[13:57.75]Lu Yongtao:(rather crabbily):Oh,all right.If you say so.
[14:05.14]4.2 Retelling a Story
[14:13.84]2)Now listen to the following story twice,and as you listen,
[14:20.73]fill in the blanks with the missing information.
[14:25.23]When George\'s car stopped at the traffic lights,he couldn\'t start it again.
[14:31.52]The cars behind him began to sound their horns,and the drivers began to shout.
[14:38.52]George got out of his car,apologized and pushed his car to the side of the road.
[14:45.92]But George didn\'t know how to repair cars,so he was very anxious.
[14:52.13]Then he saw a young man and his girlfriend were standing at a bus stop.
[14:58.12]"Excuse me,"said George to them. "Do you know anything about cars? "
[15:04.33]The girl was about to say something,but her boyfriend interrupted.
[15:10.03]"Leave it to me,"he said, opening the bonnet at the front of the car.
[15:15.93]"Oh dear,it looks very bad." He shook his head and whistled.
[15:23.01]George was a little surprised."Actually...er...the engine is at the back."
[15:31.00]"Oh,"said the young man,"it\'s a foreign car.In that case, I can\'t help you."
[15:38.40]"Can I have a look now?"asked the girl,politely.
[15:43.10]She took the cover off the engine at the back of the car,
[15:47.91]asked George for his tool kit,and worked for five minutes.
[15:53.39]The car started immediately.
[15:57.10]"Thank you," said George.
[16:00.21]"Can I give you a lift anywhere?""Yes,"said the girl.
[16:05.41]"To the library.I\'m going to get him some books about cars."
[16:14.89]4.3 Note-Taking
[16:23.17]2).As you listen to the passage,
[16:27.77]use the spaces below to take some notes on what you hear.
[16:33.28]Today our lecture is about money--funny money.
[16:38.66]Long ago,people in one part of the world didn\'t go to an office or a factory to earn money.
[16:46.55]They found their money on the ground.
[16:50.16]The money was large,round,and flat.
[16:55.95]It looked just like what it was a stone!
[17:00.73]Because they were special stones and very hard to find,they were valuable.
[17:07.32] The larger the stone,the more valuable it was.
[17:12.23]Money stones about the size of a dinner plate might buy a fish,
[17:17.43]a baby pig,or some vegetables.
[17:22.13]The richest men had stones too big and heavy to carry around.
[17:27.72]These men left their stones in front of their houses so that everyone could see how rich they were.
[17:34.93]People in some places found their money along the seashore
[17:39.81]red,black,and white shells.But shells were not ready money.
[17:46.29]The women had to break the shells into little pieces,polished them,
[17:52.59]made small holes in them,and strung them on strings.
[17:57.76]One string of shell money would buy food.

[18:02.15]A hundred strings might buy a canoe or a cow.
[18:07.24]Some people could eat their money!
[18:10.85]They made money out of salt,which they shaped into little bricks.
[18:16.65]The bricks were all of the same size and value.
[18:21.24]There was a picture of the king on each salt brick to show that the king would accept the salt as money.
[18:28.53]If the king would accept it, then everyone else would,too.
[18:33.73]Salt money wasn\'t heavy or awkward like stone money or so hard to find as shell money.
[18:41.02]But when it rained,the money might melt!
[18:45.22]Finally,people started using metal for money for example,copper and silver and gold.
[18:53.61]Metal wasn\'t easily damaged by water or heat or time.
[18:59.38]And since there wasn\'t very much of it,everyone wanted it.
[19:04.97]Metal money was certainly better than salt or shell or stone money.
[19:10.88]But if you have very much of it,metal money is hard to carry around.
[19:17.17]It\'s heavy and takes up a lot of space.
[19:21.77]So today we also have paper money,
[19:25.87]with numbers printed on it to show how much the money is worth. 现在大学英语上哪本书 新应用大学英语基础篇2 大学英语2听说教程 大学英语听说教程4 大学英语听说教程3 大学英语听说教程陈向京 大学英语听说教程第二版 大学英


