
英语听力 2019-08-07 06:11:15 130


The Bush administration Tuesday reaffirmed its commitment to a diplomatic resolution of the Iran nuclear issue though also saying it forecloses no options in dealing with the matter. The comments followed an Israeli newspaper story that U.S. military action against Iran could come within months.



Administration spokespersons are rejecting, with unusual vehemence, a Jerusalem Post report that a U.S. military strike against Iran is likely before the end of President Bush\'s term in office next January.



The English-language Israeli newspaper quoted a senior official in Jerusalem as saying that a high-ranking member of President Bush\'s entourage - while in Israel last week - said that both Mr. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney believe that military action against Iran is "called for."


这份英文的以色列报纸引述耶路撒冷一名高级官员的话说,陪同布什总统上个星期访问以色列的一名高级成员说,布什总统和副总统切尼都认为,对伊朗采取军事行动“呼之欲出” 。

The Jerusalem Post account said "hesitancy" on the part of Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Defense Secretary Robert Gates, is preventing a U.S. attack decision, at least for the time being.


《耶路撒冷邮报》的报导说:由于美国国务卿赖斯和国防部长罗伯特.盖茨 “犹豫不决”,美国尚未作出攻击的决定,至少是现在还没有。

In a written statement, White House Press Secretary Dana Perino ridiculed the newspaper account - attributed she said to unnamed sources quoting other unnamed sources - as in her words "not worth the paper it\'s written on."


白宫新闻秘书佩里诺在一份书面声明中讥讽以色列报纸的这则报导说,这篇报导来源于一个不透露姓名的消息来源引述另一个匿名的消息来源。佩里诺说,这个消息“一文不值” 。

Perino said the United States and its allies remain opposed to Iran\'s ambitions to obtain a nuclear weapon, and to that end are working to bring tough diplomatic and economic pressure to bear on Iran\'s leaders to get them to halt uranium enrichment.



Perino said no U.S. president should ever take options off the table, but that the U.S. preference, and actions, for dealing with the matter remain focused on peaceful diplomatic means and nothing has changed in that regard.



There were similar comments here from State Department Spokesman Sean McCormack, who reiterated Secretary Rice\'s offer of open-ended dialogue with Iran if it suspended its enrichment effort:



"There\'s no change in our policy," he said. "We are committed to trying to work through diplomatic avenues, to work the international politics, to try to bring about an acceptable understanding between Iran and the rest of the world concerning its nuclear program, as well as other kinds of behaviors that it has. They in turn can realize discussion with us as well as others if they take certain steps. We\'re committed to this pathway."



Rice and fellow big-power foreign ministers agreed earlier this month in London on a new offer of incentives for Iran to scrap its uranium enrichment program.



McCormack said European Union chief diplomat Javier Solana will formally deliver what is being termed the "refreshed" incentives package to Tehran soon, and that the Iranian government will have a reasonable period to respond.



The incentives offer is part of a two-track strategy by the five permanent U.N. Security Council member countries and Germany, the P5 Plus One that has also included three U.N. sanctions resolutions against Iran.



美国外交 中美外交 中国的外交 美国人 美国外交部 弱国无外交 美国外交政策 外交 中国和美国要开战了吗


