
英语听力 2019-08-07 00:11:26 101


A major bridge in Baghdad that spans the Tigris River reopened Tuesday with much fanfare, 13 months after terrorists bombed the landmark and killed more than 10 people. Iraqi officials say they are celebrating more than a bridge reopening; they are celebrating successes over terrorist forces.


巴格达市一座横跨底格里斯河的主要大桥星期二在一片庆祝声中重新开通。13个月前,恐怖分子炸毁了这座地标性建筑,并造成十多人死亡。伊拉克官员说 ,他们不仅仅在庆祝一座大桥的重生,他们也在庆祝打击恐怖分子的胜利。

Standing beneath the al-Sarafiyah Bridge, schoolchildren waved their hands in the air, the bright floral corsages on their wrists punctuating their words, as they sang about their love for Iraq.



They provided entertainment for Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and other high level officials at the reopening of one of Baghdad\'s major bridges.



Only 13 months ago, the scene at this landmark was the opposite of joyful. On April 12, 2007, a suicide truck bomber targeted the bridge, destroying 180 meters of its length, sending cars into the Tigris below and killing more than 10 people.



But Tuesday, the scene was festive.



The prime minister says the celebrations symbolize that Iraq will defeat terrorists.



Mr. Maliki said the idea was not just to open a bridge, but to send a message to an ignorant and sadistic culture that there are forces at work to stop such dark powers.



The Minister of Housing and Construction, Bayan Dizayee, remembered the people who died on the bridge and those who tried to save the victims. She also thanked the three companies that worked on the reconstruction project, and the United States for its offers to help rebuild the landmark.



But she said the ministry refused the much appreciated offers of American assistance. She said it wanted Iraqis to show that they have the power and responsibility to rebuild their country.



To complete the re-opening ceremony, the prime minister and other dignitaries crossed the bridge, as an Iraqi flag hung down from the bridge\'s center and signs declaring "Reconstruction is Our Duty" decorated its sides.



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