大学英语自学教程 上册 w_un12

英语听力 2019-07-18 09:18:25 149
[00:00.00]Unit 12  Text A  New Words
[00:06.30]mainly               grammarian           supreme              authority
[00:09.57]ad.主要地;大部分地  n.语法学家           a.1,最高的           n.1.[pl]官方,当局
[00:12.85]usage                dispute              self-assurance       regard
[00:16.24]n.1.惯用法;2.使用    vt./vi.n.争吵,争论   n.自信               vt.n.1.看待2.重视
[00:19.62]eccentric            editor               peculiar             occurrence
[00:22.79]a.(行为)古怪的       n.编辑,编者          a.1.特殊的,独特的    n.1.发生,出现
[00:25.97]edit                 occupy               decade               alphabeitze
[00:29.06]vt.编辑;编选         vt.1.占用,占领       n.十年,十年期        vt.按字母顺序排列
[00:32.16]quotation            stack                illustrate           literary
[00:35.28]n.1.引文,引语        n.vt.堆放于          vt.1.说明,阐明       a.文学上的
[00:38.40]historical           discard              according            hard-and-fast
[00:41.94]a.历史               vt.丢弃              ad.按照,根据         a.ad.明确的
[00:45.48]reveal               influence            authoritative        author
[00:48.71]vt.1. 揭露,泄露      n.vt.影响(on)        a.1.权威性的         n.作者
[00:51.93]distant              immediate            broadcast            scatter
[00:55.17]a.在远处的,远隔的    a.立即的,即刻的      n./vt.广播,播音      vt.vi.1.撒,撒播
[00:58.41]bind                 invention            hood                 ordinarily
[01:01.79]vt.(bound,bound)捆绑 n.1.发明,创造        n.1.风帽,头巾        ad.通常地,惯常的
[01:05.18]monk                 engine
[01:06.95]n.修道士,僧侣        n.发动机,引擎.2.机车,火车头
[01:08.73]Phrases and Expressions
[01:12.57]to get into          to look up           to bring up
[01:15.39]进入,陷入;染上       查检                 1.教育,2.得出
[01:18.21]according to         in front of          to the best of
[01:21.38]根据...              在...前面            就...所及
[01:24.56]Text B   New Words
[01:28.82]survival             emphasis             cornerstone          stumble
[01:32.20]n.1.幸存,生存        n.重点               n.1.墙角石2.基础     vi.1,绊跌,绊倒
[01:35.58]opportunity          scan                 title                chapter
[01:38.61]n.机会,时机          vt.1.细看2.浏览      n.1.题目2.称号       n.章,回,篇
[01:41.64]heading              headline             chart                graph
[01:44.76]n.标题               n.1.大字标题         n.vt.图,图表         n.图表,曲线图
[01:47.89]cue                  content              haste                comprehension
[01:51.16]vt.n.给...提示       n.a.1.内容           n.急速;急忙          n.理解力,领悟
[01:54.44]concentration        wander               boredom              chanllenge
[01:57.67]n.1.专注,2.集中      vi.漫游              n.厌烦2.乏味         n.vt.向...挑战
[02:00.89]concentrate          action               aware                expand
[02:04.02]vt.vi.集中,聚集      n.行动,作用(on)      a.意识到的           vt./vi.扩大,膨胀
[02:07.14]effectively          skip                 overall              pause
[02:10.31]ad.有效地,有成效地   vi.vt.区性.蹦跳      a.综合的,全面的      vi./n.暂停,中止
[02:13.49]register             impression           alert
[02:16.15]vi.vt.n.记录,        n.印象;压痕          a.1.警觉的
[02:18.81]Pharases and Expressions
[02:22.58]to cue in            to keep up with
[02:24.80]给...提供消息        保持联系.
[02:27.02]to concentrate on
[02:30.47]be familiar with
[02:33.70]be aware of          be alert to
[02:35.98]意识到;知道          对...警惕 大学英语上册第八单元A 大学英语第八单元 大学英语4答案 大学英语听力2答案 大学英语教程4课后答案 大学英语听说教程2答案 大学英语自学教程上册答案 大学英语


