大学英语自学教程 上册 un23

英语听力 2019-07-18 09:18:18 97
[00:00.00]Unit 23 text A
[00:04.78]Non-verbal Communication
[00:09.25]If anyone asked you what were the main means of communication between people,
[00:16.90]what would you say?
[00:20.66]That isn\'t a catch question.
[00:25.10]The answer is simple and obvious.
[00:29.75]It would almost certainly refer to means of communication
[00:37.12]that involve the use of words.
[00:41.56]Speakers and listeners--oral communication
[00:47.73]and writers and readers written communication,And you\'d be quite right.
[00:53.68]And you\'d be quite right.
[00:57.94]There is, however, another form of communication
[01:03.69]which We all use most of the time, usually without knowing it.
[01:10.82]This is sometimes called body language.
[01:16.17]Its more technical name is non-verbal communication.
[01:22.73]Nonverbal, because it does not involve the use of words.
[01:30.31]NVC for short.
[01:32.83]“非言语交际”的英文缩写为NVC 。
[01:35.35]When someone is saying something with which he agrees,
[01:40.99]the average European will smile and nod approval.
[01:44.42]他用微笑和点头表示 赞许。
[01:47.86]On the other hand, if you disagree with what they are saying,you may frown and shake your head.
[01:56.61]In this way you signal your reactions and
[02:01.97]communicate them to the speaker without saying a word.
[02:08.13]I referred a moment ago to "the average European"
[02:14.19]because body language is very much tied to culture,
[02:20.07]and in order not to misunderstand,or not to be misunderstood, you must realize this.
[02:29.32]A smiling Chinese, for instance,may not be approving
[02:36.08]but somewhat embarrassed.
[02:40.05]Quite a lot of work is now being done on the subject of NVC,
[02:47.11]which is obviously important
[02:51.47]for instance,to managers who have to deal every day with their staff,
[02:59.12]and have to understand what other people are feeling if they are to create good working conditions.
[03:07.09]Body language, or NVC signals, are sometimes categorised into five kinds
[03:15.74]1. body and facial gestures;
[03:21.38]2. eye contact; 3.body contact or "proximity"
[03:30.05]4. clothing and physical appearance and 5. the quality of speech.
[03:39.59]I expect you understood all those, except perhaps "proximity.
[03:46.53]" This simply means "closeness".
[03:51.81]In some cultures--
[03:55.65]and I am sure this is a cultural feature and not an individual one
[04:02.42]it is quite normal for people to stand close together,
[04:08.89]or to more or less thrust their face into yours when they are talking to you.

[04:16.16]In other cultures, this is disliked;
[04:21.51]Americans, for instancetalk about invasion of their space.
[04:29.06]Some signals are probably common to all of us.
[04:35.33]If a public speaker (like a professor,for example)
[04:41.08]is all the time fiddling with a pencil,
[04:46.72]or with his glasses,while he is talking to you,
[04:51.45]he is telling you quite clearly that he is nervous.
[04:57.61]A person who holds a hand over his mouth when he is talking
[05:04.07]is signalling that he is lacking in confidence.
[05:09.84]If you start wriggling in your chairs
[05:14.28]looking secretly at your watches or yawning behind your hands,
[05:20.94]I shall soon get the message that I\'m boring you.
[05:26.22]And so on. I\'m sure you could make a whole list of such signals
[05:33.27]and it might be fun if you did.
[05:37.53]All the signals I have mentioned so far can be controlled.
[05:44.50]If you are aware that you are doing these things,you can stop.
[05:51.06]You can even learn to give false signals.
[05:56.62]Most public speakers are in fact nervous,
[06:02.08]but a good speaker learns to hide this
[06:07.44]by giving off signals of confidence
[06:12.09]Other kinds of NVC are not so easy to control.
[06:19.74]Eye contact, for instance.
[06:24.10]Unless you are confessing intense love
[06:29.38]you hardly ever look into someone else\'s eyes for very long.
[06:35.94]If you try it, you\'ll find they will soon look away
[06:42.10]probably in embarrassment.
[06:46.36]I\' ve already mentioned proximity,
[06:50.91]so just a brief word now about our last two categories,
[06:57.25]which concern the way people dress and the way they speak.
[07:03.60]These are both pretty obvious signals.
[07:08.25]People may dress casually and speak casually
[07:13.92]which signals that they are relaxed.
[07:18.57]Or they can dress formally and speak formally, showing their tenseness.
[07:25.73]In fact, non-verbal communication can,as the saying goes, speak volumes.
[07:34.87]Text B
[07:38.42]Body Talk
[07:41.66]Have you ever wondered
[07:44.69]why you sometimes take an almost immediateliking to a person you have just met?
[07:50.94]Or worried about why someone you were talking to
[07:55.69]suddenly became cool and distant?
[07:59.95]The chances are that it wasn\'t
[08:03.79]anything that was said but something that happened:

[08:08.65]a gesture, a movement, a smite,
[08:13.69]Social scientists ale nowdevoting considerable attention
[08:18.96]to "non-verbal communication,\'
[08:23.22]what happens when people get together,
[08:27.17]apart from their actual eonversation.
[08:31.01]Professor Erving Goffman of the University of Pennsylvania
[08:36.86]is involved in a continuing study
[08:41.12]of the way people behave in soeial interaction.
[08:45.98]He feets that gestures,movements
[08:50.42]and physical elosehess have meaning
[08:54.57]which the words that the people are using do using not carry.
[08:59.92]The closeness of two people when talking,
[09:03.97]movement towards and away from each other,
[09:08.65]and the amount of eye eontactatl \'reveal something
[09:14.11]about the nature of the relationship between the two individuals.
[09:19.99]We tend to be only subeonseiouely aware,
[09:24.43]if at all of the various patterns and rituals of social behavor.
[09:31.27]We expect other people to act aceording to the same "rules" that we do
[09:37.15]so much so that the manners and behavior of persons
[09:42.43]from another culturecan be extremely confusing.
[09:47.15]For example,
[09:49.90]North Americans tend to expect more physical distance between two speakers than do Latin Americans.
[10:01.10]when the Latin American seens to be leaning too closethe
[10:05.83]North American complains of "invasionof his space.
[10:11.42]"The,Latin American, on the other hand,
[10:15.86]often considers the North American to be "cold" or "distant"
[10:21.51]because he keeps a greater distance between himselfand the person he is speaking to.
[10:27.67]Eye contact is one way of measuring the degree of closeness
[10:32.92]of relationship between two speakers,
[10:37.07]although there are cultural variations in the meaning of eye contact.
[10:42.22]In the Middle East, for example,
[10:45.75]it is considered extremely provocativefor a woman to let a man catch her eye,
[10:52.02]let alone return his gaze.
[10:55.78]Social psychologist Michael Argyle observes
[10:59.93]that there is more eye contact between people who like each other
[11:06.10]than those who are indifferent or hostile towards each other.
[11:10.96]And the longer the length of the gaze,
[11:15.71]the more likely it is that the listener is more interestedin the person who is speaking
[11:21.77]than the actual topic of conversation.
[11:26.13]Frequently looking down can indicate submissiveness or embarrassment.

[11:32.48]Looking away repeatedly may express boredom or dislike.
[11:38.07]Women tend to engage in more eye contact than
[11:42.72]menespecially when talking to other women.
[11:46.98]But too steady eye contact can make one feel uneasy at times.
[11:52.75]Most people become uncomfortable under the intense gaze of a stare.
[11:59.41]One scientist suggests
[12:02.65]that perhaps one reason that man becomes tenseunder the force of a stare
[12:08.82]is in his biological ancestors:
[12:13.18]in apes,a stare signifies aggressiveness and hostility.
[12:19.34]The person who insistently fixes his eyes on our face
[12:25.20]is often more succesful in arousing our dislike
[12:30.16]than impressing us witch his directness and sincerity.
[12:35.30]Similarly, the smile cannot always be interpreted as a sign of friendliness.
[12:42.38]The person who smiles almost constantly
[12:47.24]and with little apparent reason makes us uneasy.
[12:51.97]Even though he may believe that he is expressing friendliness
[12:57.01]he may really seem nervous and tense.
[13:01.17]In other animals, bared teeth are a warning gesture,a danger sign.
[13:08.11]Genuine warmth or interest can be revealed in the eyes
[13:13.08]suggests Dr.Eckhard Hess of the University of Chicago,
[13:18.72]who believes that the pupils of the eyes can indicate emotion or interest
[13:24.57]The opened pupil tends to he associated with pleasant
[13:30.14]satisfying experiences.
[13:33.98]That special sparkle in the lover\'s eyes
[13:39.02]need not be fantasyfor love may make the pupil grow larger.
[13:45.08]Sometimes when we feel that a person is "warm" or "friendly",
[13:50.64]it is possible we are reacting to a form of non-verbal communication
[13:56.99]his opened pupils.
[14:00.15]The next time you are at a party,
[14:03.62]take note of some of the silent messages being sent around you.
[14:08.98]Notice which persons seem to draw naturally together to speak,
[14:15.51]which others try to stay further apart
[14:19.45]or even avoid meeting each other\'s eyes.
[14:24.00]You may find that this silent language
[14:27.84]is much more fascinatingthan the actual conversation going on around you.
[14:31.01]比你周围的实际谈话更令人神往。 大学英语自学教程上册 大学英语自学教程下册 大学英语自学 大学英语自学教程上册答案 大学英语自学网课 大学英语自学课程 大学英语教材pdf 大学英语教材第一册


