
英语听力 2019-08-05 00:10:40 106

U.S. swimmers had great success at the Athens Olympics four years ago. But they did even better at last year\'s World Championships in Melbourne, so there are high hopes for a big medal haul in Beijing.



Swimmers won 28 medals, or 22 percent of the U.S. Olympic Team\'s total in Athens. Twelve of them were gold, nine silver and seven bronze. At the 2007 World Championships Americans had their best performance ever, amassing 36 medals, with 20 of them gold. They also set 12 world records.


美国游泳运动员在雅典奥运会上总共赢得28面奖牌,是美国运动队在雅典奥运会上所赢得奖牌总数的22% ,其中有12枚金牌、9枚银牌、7枚铜牌。在2007年的墨尔本世界游泳锦标赛上,美国游泳运动员共获36枚奖牌,其中有20枚金牌,这是他们有史来最好的成绩。他们还刷新了12项世界纪录。

Five of those records came from superstar Michael Phelps, who won seven gold medals in Melbourne. In Beijing he will have a chance to break the single Olympics record of seven golds set by compatriot Mark Spitz back in 1972 in Munich.



But he told reporters here, that\'s not his focus.



"You guys are the ones who are talking all about it. I\'m not saying anything," Phelps said. "You know I\'m just going through what I have to do, you know preparing myself the best way I can to compete as fast as I can. And that\'s my goal and that\'s what I\'m going to stick with. I haven\'t said anything about breaking any record, or going after any record. I\'m just going to go out there and try to do something that I want to do."



Phelps added that only he and his coach know what his goals are at these Olympics.



The U.S. woman swimmer getting the most attention is Dara Torres. And for good reason. At 41 years old, she is the oldest ever to make a U.S. swim team, and the only one ever to make five Olympic teams.



"I am just looking forward to standing up and competing," Torres said. "I have at least one relay [race] and the 50-meter freestyle. I just want to go out there for those 40-something-year-olds and show that age is just a number and go out there and have fun."


她说:“我只是期待著起来去参加竞争,我至少参加一项接力比赛,还要参加50米自由泳比赛。我想跳进游泳池中,向那些40多岁有孩子的妇女展示,年龄仅仅是一个数字而已,你可以去那里并享受其中的乐趣 。”

The schedule for the swimmers at these Olympics will be different than any other. Normally they swim preliminaries in the morning and finals in the evening. In Beijing, preliminaries will be in the evening and finals will be in the morning. That\'s because U.S. television network NBC, which paid the biggest rights fee to broadcast the games, wanted to have the finals live in prime evening viewing hours in the United States, and the request was granted.



Michael Phelps said it should not make a difference.

"It\'s the Olympic Games. You have to be ready to swim no matter what - morning, night, midday, midnight," he said. "It doesn\'t matter. All that aside, you have to be ready to swim no matter what. You\'re representing your country and that\'s an honor. It doesn\'t matter for me. I\'ll be ready to swim whenever I have to."

On Saturday, the day after the Opening Ceremonies, Olympic swimmers will begin nine consecutive days of competition. The first medals will be awarded Sunday.


星期六,在北京奥运会举行开幕式的第二天,游泳选手将开始进行连续9天的比赛。 第一面游泳项目的奖牌将于星期天颁发

北京奥运火炬 北京奥运标志 北京奥运开幕式失误 北京奥运 北京奥运福娃 北京奥运会徽 北京奥运频道 08年北京奥运奖牌 北京奥运会


