法国、德国、英国和意大利领导人星期六在巴黎举行会议,设法找到欧洲对世界金融危机共同的对策。French President Nicolas Sarkozy called for the summit as European financial institutes began to feel the bite of a financial crisis that has spread from the United States to most parts of the world. The summit aims to prepare European members of the G8 Group of Industrialized Nations for a larger meeting on the crisis although no date has been set for such a meeting.
法国总统萨科齐呼吁召开这次首脑会议。与此同时,欧洲金融机构开始感受到这场从美国蔓延到世界大部分地区的金融危机的痛苦。这次首脑会议的目的是为8个工业化国家集团的欧洲成员国召开一次有关这场危机的大型会议作准备。不过,目前还没有确定这次大型会议的日期。Philip Whyte, an analyst at the Center for European Reform, supports the idea of European leaders working together to find joint solutions to the turmoil.
欧洲改革中心的分析师怀特.菲利浦支持欧洲领导人努力寻找应付这次金融动荡的共同解决办法的想法。"It\'s certainly a good idea for the leading EU countries to be concerting with each other," he said. "Two things have actively happened this past week: European countries have shown they can actively cooperate to rescue banks that have cross-border presences."
他说:“欧洲主要国家互相协调,这当然是个好主意。在过去一周中发生了两项积极的进展:欧洲国家已经表明,它们能够积极合作,挽救跨国银行。”That was the case of last week\'s rescue by four countries of the Benelux banks Dexia and Fortis. Whyte said experts had been skeptical countries would actually cooperate in such a way. On the other hand, Ireland acted unilaterally to back its banks this past week.
上个星期,四个国家向荷卢银行伸出了援手。怀特说,专家们一度对这些国家是否能够以这样的方式合作持怀疑态度。另一方面,爱尔兰上个星期单独采取行动支持本国银行。It is unclear just what Saturday\'s summit will produce. Countries are divided over a Dutch proposal to create a European crisis fund to rescue troubled banks - somewhat similar to the U.S. rescue plan newly approved by Congress.
目前还不清楚究竟周六的这次首脑会议将产生什么结果。荷兰提出建立一个欧洲危机基金以拯救陷入困境的银行,类似美国国会新近批准的救援计划,但是欧洲各国对这个建议看法不一。Thomas Klau, head of the Paris office of the European Council on Foreign Relations, doubts the leaders in Paris will back that plan. "I don\'t think we\'ll get agreement on that because the Germans for one are very much against it," he said. "But I do expect some commitment to reinforce coordination."
欧洲外交关系理事会巴黎办事处主任托马斯.克拉乌怀疑各国领导人是否会在巴黎支持这一计划。他说:“我认为我们在这个问题上不会达成共识,因为德国就坚决反对。但我认为会做出一些承诺以加强协调。”Some believe Europe will be able to weather the financial storm better than the United States but many say it is just too early to say.
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