大学英语自学教程 下册 un13

英语听力 2019-07-16 06:12:33 145
[00:00.00]Unit 13 text A
[00:05.20]Work,Labor,and Play
[00:09.04]So far as I know,Miss Hannah Arendt
[00:11.52]  据我所知,汉纳.阿伦特小姐
[00:14.00]was the first person to define the essential difference between work and labor.
[00:21.05]To be happy,a man must feel,firstly,free and,secondly,important
[00:29.52]He cannot be really happy if he is compelled by society
[00:35.16]to do what he does not enjoy doing,
[00:39.71]or if what he enjoys doing is ignored by society as of no value or importance.
[00:48.46]In a society where slavery in the strict sense has been abolished,
[00:55.30]the sign that what a man does is of social valueis that he is paid money to do it,
[01:03.66]but a laborer today can rightly be called a wage slave.
[01:10.71]A man is a laborer if the job society offers him is of no interest to himself
[01:19.96]but he is compelled to take it by the necessity of earning a living
[01:26.73]and supporting his family.
[01:30.38]The antithesis to labor is play.
[01:32.96]  与劳作相对立的是玩.
[01:35.53]When we play a game,we enjoy what we are doing
[01:40.86]otherwise we should not play it,
[01:44.65]but it is a purely private activity;
[01:49.37]society could not care less whether we play it or not.
[01:54.81]Between labor and play stands work.
[01:57.38]  处于劳作和玩之间的是工作.
[01:59.95]A man is a worker
[02:03.72]if he is personally interested in the job which society pays him to do;
[02:10.69]what from the point of view of society is necessary labor is
[02:17.64]from his own point of view voluntary play.
[02:23.60]Whether a job is to be classified as labor or work
[02:31.04]depends not on the job itself,
[02:35.01]but on the tastes of the individual who undertakes it.
[02:40.47]The difference does not,for example
[02:44.83]coincide with the difference between a manual and a mental job;
[02:51.21]a gardener or a cobbler may be a worker,a bank clerk a laborer
[03:00.45]Which a man is can be seen from his attitude toward leisure.
[03:06.93]To a worker,leisure means simply the hours he needs to relax
[03:14.06]and rest in order to work efficiently.
[03:19.11]He is therefore more likely to take too little leisure than too much
[03:25.77]workers die of coronaries and forget their wives\' birthdays.
[03:32.32]To the laborer,on the other hand,leisure means freedom from compulsion
[03:38.67]so that it is natural for him to imagine
[03:43.63]that the fewer hour she has to spend laboring,
[03:49.56]and the more hours he is free to play,the better.
[03:55.52]What percentage of the population in a modern technological society are
[04:03.77]like myself,in the fortunate position of being workers?
[04:07.11]  像我这样,幸运地作为工作者的人在现代技术社会里占有多大的比例呢?

[04:10.44]At a guess I would say sixteen per cent,
[04:15.69]and I do not think that figure is likely to get bigger in the future
[04:21.54]Technology and the division of labor have done two things:
[04:24.72]  技术和劳动分工已产生了两点影响:
[04:27.91]by eliminating in many fields the need for special strength or skill
[04:34.96]they have made a very large number of paid occupations
[04:40.82]which formerly were enjoyable work into boring labor,
[04:47.29]and by increasing productivity
[04:51.66]they have reduced the number of necessary laboring hours.
[04:57.82]It is already possible to imagine a society in which
[05:03.99]the majority of the population,
[05:08.06]that is to say, its laborers,
[05:11.14]will have almost as much leisure as in earlier times
[05:17.10]was enjoyed by the aristocracy.
[05:21.04]When one recalls how aristocracies in the past actually behaved
[05:28.02]the prospect is not cheerful.
[05:32.07]Indeed,the problem of dealing with boredom
[05:34.89]的确,对于 这样一个未来群众社会,
[05:37.71]may be even more difficult for such a future mass society
[05:43.77]than it was for aristocracies.
[05:47.92]The latter,for example,ritualized their time;
[05:53.78]there was a season to shoot grouse,a season to spend-in town,etc
[06:01.85]The masses are more likely to replace an unchanging ritual by fashion
[06:09.11]which it will be in the economic interest of certain peopleto change
[06:15.17]as often as possible.
[06:18.72]Again,the masses cannot go in for hunting,
[06:23.76]for very soon there would be no animals left to hunt.
[06:29.12]For other aristocratic amusements-like gambling,dueling,and warfare
[06:36.49]it may be only too easy to find equivalents in dangerous driving,
[06:43.25]drag-taking,and senseless acts of violence.
[06:48.42]Workers seldom commit acts of violence
[06:53.39]because they can put their aggression into their work,
[06:58.25]be it physical like the work of a smith
[07:03.11]or mental like the work of a scientist or an artist.
[07:08.75]The role of aggression in mental work
[07:13.61]is aptly expressed by the phrase "getting one\'s teeth into a problem."
[07:21.18]Text B
[07:24.03]The Workman\'s Compensation
[07:27.66]How can someone,hour after hour,day after day,year in and year out
[07:31.38]  一个人怎么能一个又一个小时,一天又一天,一年又一年地
[07:35.11]tighten approximately the same nut to the same bolt and not go mad?
[07:41.45]That most working people do not,in fact,go mad
[07:46.21]is due in large measure to a phenomenon so common
[07:51.28]that it is found wherever people labor in industry:
[07:56.00]taking it easy.
[07:58.85]It would take some kind of real mental case
[08:02.82]to do all the work one could all day long.
[08:07.08]No one expects it.

[08:10.00]Taking it easy on the job while someone else covers your work,
[08:15.26]or "working on and off," as it is usually called in America,
[08:20.82]is an established part of the working life.
[08:24.79]Working on and off,however,has its limits.
[08:27.57]  然而,干干停停有它的局限性.
[08:30.35]The rules are infinitely varied,subtle,and flexible,
[08:35.81]and of course, they are always changing.
[08:40.18]Management,up to a certain level at least,is aware of the practice
[08:46.65]and in some industries employs entire cadres of people
[08:52.01]to curtail or put an end to it.
[08:56.16]Simultaneously,the workers are subtly doing their best
[09:01.73]to keep it goingand to extend it wherever possible.
[09:06.69]Every worker has a highly developed sense of how much work is expected of him
[09:09.86]  每一个工人都地自己要做多少工作高度敏感.
[09:13.04]When he feels that the expectation is excessive,
[09:17.69]he tries to do something about it.
[09:21.35]This instinct has to do with the political nature of work itself
[09:26.70]something every modern worker understands.
[09:30.96]The bosses want more from the workerthan they are willing to give in return.
[09:36.84]The workers give work, and the bosses give money.
[09:41.59]The exchange is never quite equal,and the discrepancy is called profit
[09:46.71]Since the bosses cannot do without profit,workers have an edge.
[09:52.46]A good worker in a key spot could,so long as he kept up production
[09:58.31]take all the coffee breaks he wanted
[10:02.07]and the bosses would very likely look the other way.
[10:06.43]He could also choose to cut down on the coffee breaks,apply himself
[10:12.28]and increase production,and then ask for and get more money.
[10:17.85]But that would be selfdefeating,and he knows it.
[10:22.11]It would also place him in competition with other workers,
[10:26.96]which would be playing into the bosses\'hands.
[10:31.04]What he would rather do is create some slack for himself
[10:36.08]and enjoy his job more.
[10:39.32]At present on the West Coast,
[10:42.77]when a gang of longshoremen working on cargo start a shift,
[10:48.10]they often divide themselves into two equal groups and toss a coin.
[10:53.66]One group goes into the far reaches of the ship\'s hold and sits around
[10:59.41]The other group starts loading cargo,usually working with a vengeance
[11:03.51]since each one of them is doing the work of two men.
[11:07.98]An hour later,the groups change places.
[11:12.34]In other words,although my fellow longshoremen and I
[11:17.62]are getting paid for eight hours,

[11:21.87]on occasion we work only four.
[11:25.53]If someone reading this feels a sense of moral outrage
[11:30.26]because we are sitting down on the job,I am sorry.
[11:35.22]I have searched my mind in vain
[11:38.75]for a polite way to tell that reader to go to hell.
[11:43.19]If you are that reader,I would recommend that you abandon your outrage
[11:45.97]  如果你是那个读者,我会劝告你放弃你的愤慨,
[11:48.75]and begin thinking about doing something similar for yourself.
[11:53.51]You probably already have,even if you won\'t admit it.
[11:58.37]White collar office workers,too,
[12:02.13]have come under criticism recently
[12:05.68]for robbing their bosses of their full-time services.
[12:10.12]Too much time is being spent around the Mr.Coffee machine,
[12:15.19]and some people (would you believe it?)
[12:19.32]have even been having personal conversations on company time.
[12:24.88]In fact,one office-system expert recently said
[12:29.92]he had yet to encounter a business work place
[12:34.47]that was functioning at more than about 60 percent efficiency.
[12:39.80]Management often struggles hard
[12:43.66]to set up a situation where work is done in series:
[12:45.94]  管理部门经常努力创建一条龙式的工作:
[12:48.21]worker receives an article of manufacture,
[12:52.47]does something to it and passes it on to another worker,
[12:57.33]who does something else to it and then passes it on to the next guy,and so on
[13:03.80]The assembly line is a perfect example of this.
[13:08.24]Managers like this type of manufacture because it is more efficient
[13:13.42]that is,it achieves more production.
[13:17.47]They also like it for another reason,even if they will not admit it
[13:22.90]it makes it very difficult for the worker to do anything other than work
[13:28.23]Frederick W.Taylor,the efficiency expert who early in this century
[13:34.79]conducted the time-and-motion studies
[13:36.91]  弗雷德里克.W.仄勒,本世纪初进行时间和运动研究的效率专家,
[13:39.04]that led to the assemblyline process,tried to reduce workers to robots
[13:45.10]all in the name of greater production.
[13:48.87]His staff of experts,each armed with clipboard and stopwatch
[13:54.43]studied individual workers with a view to ward eliminating unnecessary movement.
[14:00.88]They soon found a great deal of opposition from the workers.
[14:05.74]Most people not directly engaged in daily work
[14:10.42]express disapproval when they hear of people working on and off.
[14:12.99]  大多数不直接从事日常工作的人听到人们"干干停停"地工作时,会表示不赞同.
[14:15.56]A studied campaign with carefully chosen language
[14:20.21]a full day\'s work for a full day\'s pay,"
[14:24.37]"taking a free ride"--has been pushed by certain employers to discredit the practice,
[14:31.21]and their success is such that I rarely discuss it except with other workers
[14:37.17]My response is personal,and I feel no need to defend it:
[14:42.44]If I am getting a free ride,
[14:46.10]how come I am so tired when I go home at the end of a shift?
[14:48.67]我下班回家后怎么会那么累呢? 大学英语课本 大学英语4课文 大学英语课文 大学英语答案 大学英语二答案 大学英语课后翻译 大学英语 大学英语4课后题翻译 大学英语二课后答案


