大学英语综合教程 第一册 unit 4b

英语听力 2019-07-16 06:12:33 103
[00:00.00]surrounding/ threaten/ divorce/ motivate
[00:06.69]assure/  soar/  hardship/ fulfill
[00:13.45]obtain/ appoint/   sacrifice/  come up with
[00:21.11]opportunity/ take advantage of/  afterward
[00:27.30]When he grew up the knife was to become one of the tools of his trade.
[00:33.23]But when he was young it almost put an end to all his dreams.
[00:43.31]Ben Carson looked out at Detroit\'s Southwestern High School class of 1988.
[00:50.76]It was graduationday.
[00:54.20]At 36,Carson was a leading brain surgeon,
[00:59.27]performing delicate and lifesaving operations.But 19years before,
[01:06.04]he had graduated form this same inner-city school.He remembered it all-
[01:13.40]the depressing surroundings of one of Detroit\'s toulghest,poorest neighborhoods.
[01:20.17]And he knew the sense of hopelessness and despair that many of these260students were feeling about the future
[01:29.23]For weeks he had worried over how to convince the graduates that they,too,
[01:35.16]could succeed against seemingly impossible odds,that they could move mountains
[01:43.11]Now,standing to deliver the mani address,he held up his hands.
[01:48.75]"See these?"he asked the students.
[01:52.51]"I didn\'t always use them for surgery.
[01:55.96]When I was a little younger than you are,
[01:59.20]I often waved a knife with them to threaten people.
[02:03.92]And I even tried to kill somebody."
[02:08.08]The students stared in disbelief.
[02:11.74]Ben and his older brother,Curtis,
[02:15.37]grew up in a crowded apartment building near the school.Their mother,Sonya
[02:21.43]who had married at age 13and divorced when Ben was eight,worked at two
[02:27.88]and sometimes three low-paying jobs at a time.
[02:32.22]She wanted a better life for her two sons
[02:36.06]and showered them with encouragement.
[02:39.37]However,both boys started badly in school,especially Ben.
[02:45.20]Sonya recognized that Ben was bright.
[02:49.35]He just didn\'t seem motivated. "From now on,"
[02:54.99]she announced one afternoon, "you can watch only two TV shows a week.
[03:01.03]You have to read at least two books every week and give me reports so I know you really read them
[03:09.28]At first Ben hated reading.
[03:12.65]Then,gradually,he discovered a nie world of possibility.
[03:19.00]Before long he was reading more books than his determined mother required,
[03:25.06]and he couldn\'t wait to share them with her.
[03:28.43]His mother studied the book reports closely.
[03:32.09]"That\'s a fine job,Bennie,"she would tell her beaming son.
[03:37.31]What she didn\'t tell Ben or Curtis was that,
[03:41.86]with only a third-grade education,she couldn\'t read.
[03:46.30]"Mom,"Ben announced one day, "when I grow up,I want to be a doctor."
[03:52.75]Sonya Carson smiled,knowing Ben must have just read a book on doctors.
[03:59.12]"You can be anything you want to be,"she assured him.
[04:04.14]With a goal now,young Ben soared from the bottom of his class toward the top.
[04:10.57]His teachers were astonished.
[04:13.31]There was one thing,however,that Ben couldn\'t seem to conquer:
[04:18.56]his violent temper.He boiled with anger-
[04:23.31]anger at his departed father,anger at the hardships his mother faced,
[04:29.04]anger at all the wasted lives he saw around him.
[04:34.00]Then one afternoon,walking home from school,
[04:37.89]14-year-old Ben started arguing with a friend.
[04:42.25]Pulling a camping knife,Ben thrust at the boy.
[04:46.48]The steel blade struck the youngster\'s metal belt buckle,
[04:52.15]and the blade snapped.Ben\'s friend fled.
[04:57.48]Ben stood stone-still. "I almost killed someone!"he said quietly.
[05:05.03]There and then he made a decision.
[05:08.19]If he was ever going to fulfill his dream of becoming a doctor and save others
[05:21.85]he was first going to gave to cure himself.
[05:25.93]Never again would he let his anger run away with him. 

[05:30.19]In 1969Ben graduated third in his class from Southwestern High
[05:37.32]and received a full scholarship to Yale.
[05:41.26]After Yale he obtained grants to study at the University of Michigan Medical School
[05:48.11]This was the start of a career that was to lead him,at age33,
[05:53.67]to be appointed senior brain surgeon at Johns Hopkins hospital.
[05:59.71]From around the world.
[06:02.34]other surgeons came to seek his counsel.
[06:06.92]In April 1987a German doctor
[06:11.04]arrived with the records of Siamese twins,newborns Patrick and Benjamin Binder
[06:17.99]The boys had separate brains,
[06:21.47]but at the back of the heads,when they were joined,they shared blood vessels.
[06:27.53]Their mother refused to sacrifice either child to save the other.
[06:33.38]Surgeons knew of no other way to proceed.
[06:38.03]In many cases,when Siamese twins separated at the back of the head,
[06:43.91]one child survives and the other either dies or suffers severe mental injury.
[06:51.66]Carson came up with a plan to give both twins the best chance of survival:
[06:58.12]stop their hearts,
[07:00.68]drain their blood supply completely
[07:04.02]and restore circulation only after the two were safely separated.
[07:10.26]The entire operation took 22hours and required a 70-person team.
[07:17.08]After the twins\'hearts were stopped and their blood drained,
[07:22.12]Carson had only one hour to separate the damaged dlood vessels.
[07:28.39]He worked smoothly and quickly,
[07:31.55]easing his instruments deep into the brains of the two infants.
[07:37.61]Twenty minutes after stopping the twins\'circulation,he made the final cut.
[07:43.78]Now,working with his team,
[07:46.73]he had 40minutes to reconstruct the blood vessels that had been cut open
[07:53.39]and close Patrick\'s head.
[07:56.26]Another team would do the same for Benjamin.
[07:59.92]Just within the hour limit,
[08:02.98]the babies were fully separated,and the operating tables were wheeled apart.
[08:09.22]The students of Detroit\'s southwestern High sat silently
[08:14.26]as Ben Carson described his life\'s journey
[08:19.54]from an angry street fighter to an inernationally distinguished brain surgeon
[08:26.02]"It\'s important that you know there are many ways to go,"Dr.Carson told them
[08:33.36]"Becoming a brain sugeon is perfectly possible.
[08:37.80]But you don\'t have to be a surgeon.
[08:41.67]There are opportunities everywhere.
[08:45.01]You just have to be willing to take advantage of them.Think big
[08:51.57]Nobody was born to be a failure.
[08:55.04]If you feel you\'re going to succeed and work your tail off-you will succeed!"
[09:03.09]Pausing,Ben Carson turned to his mother who was sitting in the front row.
[09:09.85]"I\'d like to thank my mother,"Carson said in closing,
[09:14.32]"for all the success I\'ve had."
[09:17.37]Southwestern High\'s entire graduating class stood and clapped for a solid five minutes.
[09:25.73]Tears welled in Ben Carson\'s eyes.
[09:30.59]Afterward,Sonya Carson embraced her son fondly."It\'s really true,Bennie,
[09:38.85]"she said. "You can be anything you want to be.And you\'ve done it!" 大学英语教材第一册 大学英语第一册答案 大学英语 大学英语2 大学英语1 大学英语教材 大学英语4答案 大学英语答案 大学英语听力


