大学英语自学教程 下册 un07

英语听力 2019-07-16 06:12:32 106
[00:00.00]Unit 7  text A  Leisure and Leadership
[00:03.75] 休闲与引导
[00:07.50]Observations and research findings indicate that people in advanced industrial societies
[00:15.44]are increasingly concerned with opportunities for leisure
[00:21.92]and what they can do in their leisure time.
[00:26.96]The importance people attach to paid holidays
[00:32.42]and the rapid development of services for mass entertainment and recreation
[00:39.86]are signs of this increasing concern.
[00:44.72]The term "quality of life" is difficult to define.
[00:47.91]  "生活质量"这个词很难定义.
[00:51.10]It covers a very wide scope such as living environment health,employment,
[00:59.85]food,family life,friends,education,material possessions leisure
[01:08.99]leisure and recreation,and so on.
[01:14.92]Generally speaking,the quality of life especially as seen by the individual,
[01:22.36]is meaningful in terms of the degree to which these various areas of life
[01:30.31]are available or provide satisfaction to the individual.
[01:36.78]As activity carried out as one thinks fit during one\'s spare time
[01:40.47]  作为在休闲时进行的自己认为适当的活动,
[01:44.15]leisure has the following functions:
[01:48.83]relaxation recreation and entertainment,and personal development.
[01:56.38]The importance of these varies according to the nature of one\'s job and one\'s life-style.
[02:04.32]Thus,people who need to exert much energy in their work
[02:10.19]will find relaxation most desirable in leisure.
[02:16.07]Those with a better education and in professional occupations
[02:22.60]may tend more to seek recreationand personal development
[02:29.66](e.g., cultivation of skills and hobbies) in leisure.
[02:36.42]The specific use of leisure varies from individual to individual.
[02:39.60]  休闲的具体用途,人与人各不相同.
[02:42.77]Even the same leisure activity may be used differently by different individuals.
[02:50.32]Thus,the following are possible uses of television watching
[02:56.77]a popular leisure activity:
[03:00.92]a change of experience to provide "escape" from the stress and strain of work;
[03:09.47]to learn more about what is happening in one\'s environment;
[03:15.11]to provide an opportunity for understanding oneself
[03:20.57]by comparing other people\'s life experiences as portrayed in the programmes.
[03:27.52]In an urban society in which highly structured,
[03:30.40]  在城市社会里,结构严密,步调迅速,
[03:33.29]fast-paced and stressful work looms large in life,
[03:41.44]experiences of a different nature,be it television watching or bird-watching,
[03:48.88]can lead to a self-renewal and a more"balanced"way of life
[03:57.14]Since leisure is basically self-determined
[04:02.42]one is able to take to one\'s interests and preferences

[04:09.36]and get involved in an activity in ways that will bring enjoyment and satisfaction.
[04:16.52]Our likes and dislikes,tastes and preferences that underlie our choices of such activities as reading books,
[04:21.39]  我们的好恶,口味和爱好,构成了我们这些选择的基础,
[04:26.27]going to the cinema,camping,or certain cultural pursuits,
[04:32.30]are all related to social contexts and learning experiences.
[04:39.54]We acquire interests in a variety of things and subjects from our families
[04:46.30]schools,jobs,and the mass media.
[04:50.66]Basically,such attitudes amount to a recognition that leisure
[04:58.21]is an important area of life
[05:03.07]and a belief that leisure can and should be put to good use.
[05:09.94]Professional workers in recreation services,too,will find that
[05:13.52]  从事娱乐业的专业工作者发现,
[05:17.10]to impart positive leisure attitudes to the general public is essential
[05:25.04]for motivating them to use their leisure in creative
[05:30.40]and satisfying ways.
[05:35.05]Hence,it can be argued
[05:39.62]that the people with whom we come into contact in these various contexts
[05:46.98]are all likely to have exerted some influence in shaping our attitudes
[05:54.14]interests and even skills relevant to how we handle leisure.
[06:00.39]Influence of this kind is a form of leadership.
[06:06.34]Parents,teachers in schools,work associates and communicators in or using
[06:10.52]  父母,学校里的教师,同事和
[06:14.70]the mass media are all capable of arousing our potential interests
[06:21.96]For example,the degree to which and the ways in which a school encourages participation in games,
[06:31.63]sports and cultural pursuits are likely
[06:37.69]to contribute to the shaping of leisure attitudes on the part of the students.
[06:45.34]Schools usually set as their educational objective
[06:51.51]the attainment of a balanced development of the person.
[06:54.54]  学校通常把人的平衡发展列入教育目标.
[06:57.57]The more seriously this is sought,
[07:02.01]the more likely positive attitudes towards leisure
[07:07.36]as well as academic work will be encouraged.
[07:12.54]Text B   The Time Message
[07:15.06]  时间信息
[07:17.58]You may have been exposed to this idea before but this time try to hear.
[07:23.53]There is a message that is trying to reach you,
[07:26.48]and it is important that it get through loud and clear.
[07:30.85]The message?  Time management!
[07:32.98]信息?  时间安排!
[07:35.11]Time is elusive and tricky.
[07:36.88]  时间难以捉摸,稍纵即逝.
[07:38.66]It is the easiest thing in the world to waste the most difficult to control.
[07:44.82]When you look ahead, it may appear you have more than you need.
[07:50.18]Yet it has a way of slipping through your fingers like quicksand.
[07:55.04]You may suddenly find that there is no way to stretch the little time you have left to cover all your obligations.

[08:02.90]For example,as a beginning student looking ahead to a full term
[08:08.86]you may feel that you have an oversupply of time on your hands.
[08:13.90]But toward the end of the term you may panic because time is running out
[08:19.46]The answer?Control!
[08:21.39]答案是什么呢?  支配时间!
[08:23.33]Time is dangerous. If you don\'t control it,it will control you
[08:26.15]  时间是危险的.如果你不支配它,它就会支配你.
[08:28.97]If you don\'t make it work for you,it will work against you.
[08:33.93]You must become the master of time,not the servant.
[08:38.69]Study hard and play hard is an old proverb,but it still makes sense.
[08:44.64]You have plenty of time for classes,study,work,and play
[08:50.70]if you use your time properly.
[08:54.15]It is not how much time you allocate for study that counts
[08:58.88]but how much you learn when you do study.
[09:02.96]Too much wasted time is bad medicine.
[09:05.08]  时间严重浪费,就像得病吃了不能治病的药一样.
[09:07.21]The more time you waste,the easier it is to continue wasting time
[09:13.09]Soon,doing nothing becomes a habit you can\'t break.It becomes a drug.
[09:20.14]When this happens,
[09:22.99]you lose your feeling of accomplishment and you fall by the wayside.
[09:28.35]A full schedule is a good schedule.
[09:32.29]Some students refuse to hear the time message.
[09:34.65]  一些学生拒绝倾听时间信息.
[09:37.02]They refuse to accept the fact that college life demands some degreeof time control.
[09:43.29]There is no escape.So what\'s the next step?
[09:48.33]If you seriously wish to get the time message,
[09:52.77]this passage will give it to you,
[09:56.24]Remember--it will not only improve your grades
[10:01.21]but also free you to enjoy college life more.
[10:05.68]Message 1. Time is valuable- control it from the beginning.
[10:08.71]  信息1. 时间珍贵,从一开始就支配它.
[10:11.74]Time is today,not tomorrow or next week.
[10:14.22]  时间就是今天,并非明天或下星期.
[10:16.70]Start your plan at the beginning of the term
[10:20.96]and readjust it with each new project.
[10:25.01]Thus you can spread your work time around a little.
[10:29.84]Message 2. Get the notebook habit.
[10:32.32]  信息 2.养成记笔记的习惯.
[10:34.80]Go and buy a pocket-size notebook.
[10:38.85]There are many varieties of these special notebooks.
[10:43.32]Select the one you like best.
[10:46.97]Use it to schedule your study time each day.
[10:51.23]You can also use it to note important dates,
[10:55.59]appointments,addresses and telephone numbers.
[11:00.45]Keep it with you at all times.
[11:04.01]Message 3. Prepare a weekly study schedule.
[11:06.83]  信息 3.准备一份周学习时间表.
[11:09.65]The main purpose of the notebook is to help you prepare a weekly study schedule.

[11:16.02]Once prepared,follow the same pattern every week with minor adjustments.
[11:22.48]Sunday is an excellent day to make up your schedule for the following week.
[11:28.14]Write in your class schedule first.
[11:31.91]Add your work hours, if any.
[11:35.67]Then write in the hours each day you feel you must allocate for study
[11:41.54]Keep it simple.
[11:44.29]Message 4. Be realistic.
[11:46.57]信息4. 要现实些.
[11:48.86]When you plan time for these things,be realistic.Don\'t underestimate.
[11:54.81]Overestimate,if possible,
[11:58.65]so that emergencies that arise don\'t hang you up.
[12:03.51]Otherwise your entire routine may get thrown off balance
[12:09.08]while you devote night and day to crash efforts.
[12:13.65]Message 5. Make study time fit the course.
[12:16.38]信息 5.使学习时间与课程相协调.
[12:19.11]How much study time you schedule for each classroom hour depends on four factors:
[12:22.28]  你为每一次上课时间安排多长时间依赖于四个因素:
[12:25.46](l)your ability,(2)the difficulty of the class
[12:29.58](1)你的能力; (2)课程的难度;
[12:33.71](3)the grades you hope to achieve,and (4) how well you use your study time.
[12:38.54](3)你希望达到的等级; (4)你利用学习时间的好坏.
[12:43.38]One thing,however,is certain:
[12:47.14]you should schedule a minimum of one hour of study for each classroom hour.
[12:53.20]In many cases, more will be required.
[12:57.77]Message 6. Keep your schedule flexible.
[13:00.29]信息6. 使你的日程表有弹性.
[13:02.81]A good schedule must have a little give
[13:07.49]so that special projects can be taken care of properly.
[13:12.22]Think out and prepare your schedule each week
[13:16.26]and do not become a slave to an inflexible pattern.
[13:21.31]Adjust it as you deem necessary.
[13:25.15]Message 7. Study first--fun later.
[13:27.97]  信息7. 先学习,后娱乐.
[13:30.79]You will enjoy your fun time more
[13:34.45]after you have completed your study responsibilities.
[13:39.41]So,where possible,schedule your study hours in advance of fun activities.
[13:46.96]Message 8. Study some each class day.
[13:52.00]Some concentrated study each day
[13:56.15]is better than many study hours one day and nothing the next.
[14:01.72]As you work out your individual schedule,
[14:05.79]attempt to include a minimum of two study hours each day.
[14:10.83]This will not only keep the study habit alive
[14:15.30]but also keep you up to date on your class assignments and projects.
[14:20.55]Few beginning freshmen can control their time effectively without a written schedule,
[14:26.61]so why kid yourself into thinking you don\'t need one?
[14:31.05]You do.Later on,when you have had more experience

[14:37.01]and you have the time-control habit,you may be able to operate without it.
[14:42.86]Of course the schedule is only the first step.
[14:47.43]Once you have it prepared,you must stick with it and follow it faithfully.
[14:54.09]You must push away the many temptations
[14:58.25]that are always presentor your schedule is useless.
[15:03.58]Your schedule will give you control only if you make it work.
[15:06.54]只有让你的时间表起作用,它才能支配你的时间. 大学英语课本 大学英语4课文 大学英语课文 大学英语答案 大学英语二答案 大学英语课后翻译 大学英语 大学英语4课后题翻译 大学英语二课后答案


