大学英语自学教程 下册 un14

英语听力 2019-07-16 06:12:28 162
[00:00.00]Unit 14 text A
[00:04.49]The Teacher\'s Last Shocking Lesson
[00:06.97]  老师令人震惊的最后一课
[00:09.46]A remarkable woman reasons with her killer--and tapes it
[00:12.84]  一位非凡的女人劝说杀害她的凶手---并录下音来
[00:16.22]She used the miniature tape recorder
[00:20.98]for a graduate-school course she was taking.
[00:25.84]The device,though would do much more than capture a lecture.
[00:32.00]It was a microcassette found in Kathleen Weinstein\'s shirt pocketthat not only led police to her alleged killer
[00:42.06]but also revealed the New Jersey teacher to be a woman
[00:48.12]of extraordinary courage and compassion.
[00:53.47]Weinstein,45,was on her way to an exam at Toms River High School South
[01:02.82]on March 14 when she got out of her gold 1995 Toyota Camry
[01:10.90]to buy a sandwich at the busy Toms River Shopping Center.
[01:17.14]That\'s where her path crossed that of Michael LaSane
[01:23.20]who,police say,wanted just such a car to celebrate his 17th birthday
[01:31.25]Grabbing Weinstein by the jaw,the attacker told her he had a gun
[01:40.10]and forced her into the Camry.
[01:42.37]The car was then driven to Manitou Park about two miles from the shopping center.
[01:50.13]It was there,police believe,
[01:54.08]that Weinstein was able to activate the recorder she kept in her bag.
[02:00.84]According to Ocean County prosecutor Daniel Carluccio,
[02:07.92]the taped conversation between Weinstein and LaSane
[02:13.80]took place as they removed personal items--
[02:19.26]bags, notebooks,her six-year-old son\'s belongings,from the car
[02:25.79]It wasn\'t hysterical," Carluccio says of the 24-minute tape."
[02:32.42]It wasn\'t the kind of thing you would expect of someone
[02:37.57]who is facing a life-threatening situation.
[02:42.12]Mrs.Weinstein bravely and persistently used every skill and power she had
[02:51.26]to convince her attacker to simply take her car and not her life.
[02:57.92]The excerpts of the talk released by the prosecutor
[03:01.20]  检查官准予发表的谈话节录
[03:04.48]show why Weinstein was a beloved figureat Thorne Middle Schoot in Middletown,
[03:12.52]where she was a special-education teacher
[03:16.88]You haven\'t done anything yet,"she tells her attacker
[03:22.34]All you have to do is let me go and take my car.
[03:29.11]For my life,don\'t you think I should be concerned and let you take my car
[03:37.05]For my life!Do you really want to have that on your head?
[03:43.71]At another point? the teacher tries to get him to open up.
[03:49.36]"Why don\'t you just tell me? Of course, it\'s important.

[03:56.30]It\'s determining your whole life and the direction you\'re taking
[04:02.94]Weinstein also talks about her son Daniel
[04:08.19]and her plans to take in a foster child with her husband Paul."
[04:14.25]I want to give something to somebody,to give something back,"she says
[04:22.19]Her powers of persuasion were to no avail.
[04:25.17]  她的说服力没有起作用.
[04:28.15]Weinstein\'s body,with hands and feet bound was discovered by a hiker on March 17.
[04:37.89]She had been smothered with her coat.
[04:42.28]But before she died she somehow slipped
[04:47.53]the microcassette into her pocket without her killer knowing it.
[04:53.49]Because Weinstein had asked LaSane about himself
[04:59.05]and his family police quickly had their suspect,
[05:04.82]the son of a local official.
[05:08.77]"Our impression was that she was very aware she was leaving something behind
[05:16.94]says Carluccio.
[05:20.10]He will not commenton LaSane\'s side of the conversation except to say.
[05:27.05]"When you hear the tape,it will raise profound questions
[05:33.82]about what is happening in our worldwith juveniles and our-society.
[05:40.87]It goes beyond materialism
[05:45.52]Weinstein also helped leave behind a new program at Thorne Middle School
[05:49.06]  温斯坦还帮助在桑恩中学留下了一项新活动,
[05:52.60]in which students were encouraged to do nice things for others.
[05:58.95]Every morning Weinstein would announce various good deeds over the p.a.system
[06:06.89]and she solicited prizes from local merchants and restaurants.
[06:13.34]Given her fate,the name of the program has a heart vreaking resonance to it
[06:21.28]Random Acts of Kindness.
[06:26.04]Text B
[06:28.99]The world knows a great deal about apartheid.
[06:33.43]It knows it as a repressive politicalsystem
[06:35.61]  关于种族隔离,世人有很多了解。
[06:37.79]which denies political representation to 14,000,000 South africans
[06:43.85]because they are not white;
[06:47.01]it knows it as a divisive social system which keeps people apart
[06:52.76]dividing them on coulour lines and punishing those who try to cross these lines.
[06:58.93]But the effects of apartheid in terms of social behaviour
[07:03.65]and on cultural development are less well known.
[07:08.41]To understand the effects of apartheid
[07:10.39]   要理解种族隔离的影响,
[07:12.38]it is necessary to think of the daily lives of the people
[07:17.11]and the ways in which their lives are regulated by apartheid.
[07:22.07]It means standing for hours in a bus-queue
[07:24.15]  它意味着要站几个小时的队等公共汽车,
[07:26.22]because there are too few vuses specially set aside for black people;
[07:31.87]it means having topass theatres and swimming pools

[07:36.12]with no thought of ever entering them,
[07:39.78]because they are set aside for white people;
[07:43.93]and because the restrictions extend to the thoughts people think
[07:48.79]and because the laws apply to both black and white,
[07:53.76]it means that all people in South Africa
[07:57.70]are denied the right to read certain books
[08:01.83]because the government believes them to be subversive of its apartheid society
[08:08.10]Apartheid means that sportsmen like Basil D\'Oliviera,Steve Makone
[08:14.76]and Precious Mackenzie could never represent their own country
[08:20.01]because they were not white;
[08:23.28]that singers and actors like Miriam Makeba and Lionel Ngamane
[08:29.73]would be restricted because of their colour to appearing in certain places
[08:35.89]and before certain audiences
[08:39.84]a couloured cast could perform Berdi\'s"La Traviata"
[08:45.19]but no nonwhites could attend a performance before the State President.
[08:51.15]The list of restrictions is endless--these are only a few small examples
[08:54.37]  限制规定列举起来无穷无尽---这些公是几个小小的例子,
[08:57.60]But what they add up to is a division which breeds hostility.
[09:02.64]At sports events, if white and black are present,
[09:07.50]they support opposing sides and the result is friction
[09:12.78]so much so that in many grounds only whites are allowed
[09:17.74]It is illegal for white and black to play chess together.
[09:20.12]  白人和黑人一块下国际象棋是非法的,
[09:22.49]And whites who tried to play football in a team with black members
[09:27.46]were prosecuted.
[09:30.41]And in a society where these ugly barriers exist,
[09:32.73]  在有着这些令人可怕的障碍的社会里,
[09:35.06]it is better to pretend that they are not there.
[09:39.42]The result is that the writers and poets of white South Africa
[09:44.86]are incapable of producing any work
[09:48.90]which truthfully reflects their society;
[09:52.88]and so deep has this kind of blindness entered
[09:57.42]that no work of any real worth has been produced in South Africafor many years.
[10:04.08]Perhaps one might expect the writers among the blacks
[10:08.34]in a situation full of tension and pain,to produce works which live
[10:11.28]  也许有人会期望牌紧张和痉中的黑人作家能创作出传世之作.
[10:14.22]But for them apartheid presents another problem;to be frank is to be banned.
[10:20.56]And so writers like Alex la Guma were silenced by banning orders,
[10:26.49]or others,like Alfred Hutchinson and Bloke Modisane fled the country
[10:33.65]For Nat Nakasa the pledge he was required to sign--
[10:38.62]to leave his country and never return proved too much;

[10:43.37]he committed suicide in New\'York.
[10:46.92]Even white writers-Andre Brink,for instance-who have dared to criticise
[10:50.40]  甚至白人作家们---如安德烈.布林克
[10:53.87]or appear to criticise,the apartheid society have suffered.
[10:59.44]Their works have been banned,or they have been savagely attacked
[11:04.79]by the official spokesmen of apartheid.
[11:08.84]The failure of writers to write, or of people to understand each other
[11:11.78]  作家不能写,或者人民不能互相理解
[11:14.72]all these are indications of the deeper evil;the fail ure of communication
[11:21.06]But what is little understood by the outside world
[11:25.11]is that this is a failure legislated for.
[11:29.48]It is a failure which has been carefully designed.
[11:31.71]  这是那些建立种族隔离社会的人们的意图,
[11:33.94]It is the intention of those who have constructed the apartheid society
[11:39.59]and who intend that it should last forever,
[11:43.66]that those who make up the society should be prevented
[11:48.52]from communicating with each other.
[11:52.18]Black and white must be cut off from each other must be unable to communicate.
[11:58.34]It is on this division that apartheid rests.
[12:02.70]This is the true meaning of apartheid.
[12:06.67]And it is this that inflicts the true terrible wound on South African society.
[12:13.20]But the real damage is in daily human relations.
[12:15.62]  但真正的破坏是在日常的人际关系上.
[12:18.04]I hard seen white children standing in one of the mixed buses
[12:23.00]rather than sit beside anyone who was not white
[12:27.55]and this seems to me so complete a rejectionof another human person
[12:33.42]that it goes much further than the division and separation backed by law.
[12:39.17]From this kind of rejection comes a complete lack of any feeling
[12:44.63]of common humanity;
[12:47.69]the suffering of a human being ceases to be real
[12:52.36]because he has ceased to be a real human being.
[12:56.80]This is the situation which has been created in South Africa today
[12:59.64]  这就是现在已在南非出现的情况.
[13:02.47]The tensions are real, the threat of a violent eruption constant.
[13:08.22]And this must not be thought of
[13:11.77]simply as the product of political factors or arguments.
[13:17.05]It is a simple truth that human relations between people
[13:22.19]have deteriorated so far that dialogue,understanding,friendship
[13:29.17]--all these are impossible
[13:32.83]This is the effect of apartheid in terms of the society
[13:35.35]   这就是各族隔离从社会角度来看的影响
[13:37.87]this is its all pervasive extent:
[13:42.23]it breeds,if it breeds anything,hostility:
[13:47.79]often the result is simply the bitter sterility which will bring about violence.
[13:51.06]其结果常常只不过是痛苦的无奈,而这种无奈会带来暴力. 大学英语课本 大学英语4课文 大学英语课文 大学英语答案 大学英语二答案 大学英语课后翻译 大学英语 大学英语4课后题翻译 大学英语二课后答案


