大学英语综合教程 第三册 3textB

英语听力 2019-07-16 06:12:20 146
[00:00.00]aim at                          take the plunge                 aggressive                       in one\'s favor
[00:05.49]瞄准            采取断然行动    侵略的          对某人有利
[00:10.97]head for                        depart                          confirm                          inflict
[00:15.70]向某处行进      去世            证实            使遭受
[00:20.43]circumstance                    advocate                        conclude
[00:25.44]环境            提倡            断定
[00:30.46]insure                          count on                        recommend                        impact
[00:35.33]确保            依靠            推荐            冲击力
[00:40.20]target                          draw the line at sth./doing sth break in/into                    on the line
[00:52.22]Many people in America own handguns.Some,like Gail Buchalter,buy a gun for self-defense.Others,like her friends,
[01:03.61]refuse to do so because they think that guns cause more problems than they solve.
[01:10.27]Gail used to share her friends\'views,but eventually changed her mind.
[01:16.72]Read what she has to say and decide whether she made the right choice.
[01:23.04]WHY I BOUGHT A GUN               by Gall Buchalter
[01:28.50]I was raised in one of Manhattan\'s more desirable neighborhoods.My upper-middle-class background never involved guns.
[01:38.51]If my parents felt threatened,they simply put another lock on the door.
[01:44.86]2 By high school,I had traded in my cashmere sweaters for a black arm band.I marched for Civil Rights,
[01:54.36]shunned Civil Defense drills and protested the Vietnam War.It was easy being 18 and a peacenik.
[02:04.66]I wasn\'t raising an 11-year-old child then.
[02:09.44]3 (1)Today,I am typical of the women whom gun manufacturers have been aiming at as potential buyers
[02:17.98]--and one of the millions who have taken the plunge.
[02:22.73]4 I began questioning my pacifist beliefs one Halloween night in Phoenix,where I had moved when I married

[02:31.88]I was almost home when another car nearly hit mine head-on.With the speed of a New York cabbie,
[02:41.75]I rolled down my window and screamed curses as the driver passed.He instantly made a U-turn,
[02:51.05]almost climbing on my back bumper.By now,he and his two friends were hanging out of the car windows,
[03:00.19]yelling that they were going to rape,cut and kill me.
[03:05.81]5 I already had turned into our driveway when I realized my husband wasn\'t home.I was trapped.
[03:14.46]The car had pulled in behind me.I drove up to the back porch and got unto the kitchen,
[03:21.85]where our dogs stood waiting for me.The three men spilled out of their car and into our yard.
[03:29.97]6 My heart was pumping.I grabbed the collars of Jack,our 200-pound Irish wolfhound,
[03:38.23]and his 140-pound malamute buddy,Slush.Then I kicked open the back door—
[03:46.80]I was so scared that I became aggressive--and actually dared the three creeps to keep coming.With the dogs,
[03:56.51]the odds had changed in my favor,and the men ran back to the safety of their car,
[04:03.12]yelling that they\'d be back the next day to blow me away.Fortunately,they never returned.
[04:11.61]7 A few years and one divorce later,I headed for Los Angeles with my 3-year-old son,
[04:18.98]Jordan(the dogs had since departed).When I put him in preschool a few weeks later,
[04:27.68]the headmistress noted that I was a single parent and immediately warned me that there was a rapist in my new neighborhood.
[04:37.26]8 I called the police,who confirmed this fact.The rapist followed no particular pattern.
[04:44.97]Sometimes he would be waiting in his victim\'s house,other times he would break in while the person was asleep.
[04:53.38]Although it was summer,I would carefully lock my windows at night and then lie there and sweat in fear.
[05:02.00]Thankfully,the rapist was caught,but not before he had attacked two more women.
[05:09.00]9 Soon the papers were telling yet another tale of senseless horror.Richard Bamirez,who became know as"The Walk-In Killer"
[05:19.61]spent months crippling and killing before he was caught.(2)His alleged crimes were so brutal,
[05:29.04]his desire to inflict pain so intense,that I began to question my beliefs about not taking human life under any circumstances.
[05:40.38]The thought of taking a human life disgusts me,but the idea of being someone\'s victim is worse.
[05:49.41]And how,I began to ask myself,do you talk pacifism to a murderer or a rapist?
[05:57.43]10 Finally,I decided that I would defend myself,even if it meant killing another person.
[06:05.35](3)I realized that the one-sided pacifism I once so strongly had advocated could backfire on me and worse,on my son.
[06:17.39]Reluctantly,I concluded that I had to insure the best option for our survival.
[06:25.52]May choices:to count on a cop or to own a pistol.
[06:32.33]11 I called a man I had met a while ago who,I remembered,owned several guns.
[06:38.60]He told me he had a Smith & Wesson 38 Special for sale and recommended it,
[06:45.79]since it was small enough for me to handle yet had the necessary stopping power.
[06:52.71]12 I bought the gun.That same day,I got six rounds of special ammunition with plastic tips that explode on impact.
[07:04.41]These are not for target practice;these are for  protection.
[07:10.37]13 For about$50,I also picked up a metal safety box.Its push-button lock opens with a touch
[07:19.61]if you know the proper combination,possibly taking only a second or two
[07:25.70]longer than it does to reach into a night-table drawer.Now I knew that my son,
[07:33.77]Jordan,couldn\'t get his hands on it while I still could.
[07:38.63]14 When I brought the gun home,Jordan was fascinated by it.He kept picking it up,while I nervously watched.
[07:48.17]But knowledge,I believe,is still our greatest defense.And since I\'m in favor of education for sex,
[07:57.02]AIDS and learning to drive,I couldn\'t draw the line at teaching my son about guns.
[08:04.28]15 Next,I took the pistol and my son to the target range.I rented a 22-caliber pistol for Jordan.

[08:14.52](A.38 was too much gun for him to handle.)I was relieved when he put it down after 10 minutes--he didn\'t like the feel of it.
[08:25.08]16 But that didn\'t prevent him from asking me if he should use the gun if someone broke into our house
[08:32.71]while I wasn\'t home.I shouted"no!" so loud,we both jumped.I explained that,if someone ever broke in,
[08:44.07]he\'s young and agile enough to leap out the window and run for his life.
[08:50.34]17 Today he couldn\'t care less about the gun.Every so often,when we\'re watching television in my room,
[08:58.59]I practice opening the safety box,and Jordan times me.I\'m down to three seconds.
[09:07.34]I\'ll ask him what\'s the first thing you do when you handle a gun,
[09:12.28]and he looks at me like I\'m stupid,saying:"Make sure it\'s unloaded.
[09:19.05]But I\'m not to touch it or tell my friends about it."Jordan\'s already bored with it all.
[09:26.73]18 I,on the other hand,look forward to Mondays--"Ladieds\'Night" at the target range--when I get to shoot for free.
[09:36.81]I buy a box of bullets and some targets from the guy behind the counter,
[09:42.37]put on the protective eye and ear coverings and walk through the double doors to the firing lines.
[09:50.55]19 Once there,I load my gun,look down the sights of the barrel and adjust my aim.
[09:58.36]I fire six rounds into the chest of a life-sized target hanging 25 feet away.
[10:06.28]As each bullet rips a hole through the figure drawn there,
[10:11.58]I realize I\'m getting used to owning a gun and no longer feeling faint when I pick it up.
[10:19.86]The weight of it has become comfortable in my hand.And I am keeping my promise to practice.
[10:27.07]Too many people are killed by their own guns because they don\'t know how to use them.
[10:33.52]20 It took me years to decide to buy a gun,and then weeks before I could load it.It gave me nightmares.
[10:42.17]21 One night I dreamed I woke up when someone broke into our house.
[10:47.84]I grabbed my gun and sat waiting at the foot of my bed.Finally,I saw him turn the corner as he headed toward me.
[10:57.55]He was big and filled the hallway--an impossible target to miss.I didn\'t want to shoot,but I knew my survival was on the line.
[11:09.99]4)I wrapped my finger around the trigger and finally squeezed it,simultaneously accepting the intruder\'s death at my own hand
[11:21.27]and the relief of not being a victim.I woke up as soon as I decided to shoot.
[11:29.55]22 I was tearfully relieved that it had only been a dream.
[11:35.14]23 I never have weighed the consequences of an act as strongly as I have that of buying a gun--but,
[11:43.22]then again,I never have done anything with such deadly consequences.Most of my friends refuse even to discuss it with me.
[11:53.93]They believe that violence leads to violence.
[11:58.55]24 They\'re probably right.
[11:59.90]目标            拒绝做某事      强行进入        冒险 新目标大学英语4综合教程答案 艺术类专业大学英语综合教程4答案 新大学英语综合教程卓越篇翻译 新视界大学英语综合教程4unit4 大学英语综合教程三 大学英语综


